Chapter 27

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"Marco move your head" I said to a sleeping Marco trying to move his head from on top of mine. I managed to move him from on top of me and his head was now in between my shoulder and my neck.

Marco wasn't the only one sleeping though all the other Morreli boys were asleep as well as Jay. With nothing to do I put my earphones in and listened to some old school Drake. Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep.

"Hahaha, but aren't they so cute." I heard Jays voice say through my sleeping state.

"Lani is not going to like that" Tello's loud voice boomed from the other side of the room.

"I second what Tello said " I hear Gio agree with his brother.

"What isn't Lani going to like?" I ask rubbing the sleep out of my eyes only to see Jay standing in front of me with her phone firmly held in her hands , a mirror on the table and Marco's hand wrapped around my waist .

I pick up the mirror only to see Jay back up a little, throwing her a suspicious look I pick up the mirror only to see 'Marco Morreli is the love of my life' written on my forehead in what I hoped was not permanent marker.

" Jay you are so dead" I jumped out of my seat and forgot that Marco was leaning on me only to remember after hearing a load "ow" from Mr Marco Morreli himself.

"Oh, sorry Marco" I shout grabbing Jay and almost getting the phone out of her death grip, but unfortunately she threw her phone to Seb who put it in his back pocket and sat on it.


"Can everyone please take a seat and buckle up. We are preparing for landing" Sam the pilot said.

So we all sat down and buckled up. Then Marco turned to me trying to suppress his laughter. All I simply did was hold up my hand stopping him from talking or making a sound.

" You laugh and I cut your balls off. Got it?" I asked him and he nodded saying yes.

"You still wanna talk..." I asked and he nodded.

"... You may proceed" I said.

"I know you love me and everything but I never thought that you would profess your love in such an open way" he says and then bursts into laughter and is joined by everyone else.

Soon enough I find my self laughing along with them. I know I'm weak if there was a laughing disease I'd catch it because when people laud I always seem to join in even if the joke was not funny.

After the laughing session Jay threw me some baby wipes and I wiped off the crap on my forehead. Yes Marco Morreli could potentially be the love of my life, but I don't need the whole world knowing that, just yet.

I put my earbuds in trying to stop my ears from popping.

"We have landed in New York." Sam announces through the intercom. We grab our bags and head to the limo waiting for us on the plane run way.

"So where are we off to first" I ask the boys getting into the limo.

"Jay's house we need to drop her off even though I don't want her to leave" Seb says pouting like a baby.

"Yeah yeah whatever you'll see her again lover boy" Jacob says patting Seb on the back.

"My address is..." Jay starts but is cut off by Seb.

"We already know address, 23 James street" Seb says and the limo driver pulls out of the runway and heads off in the direction of Jay's house.

Fifteen minutes later we are parking up in an area, that not many people who own limo's would want to be in.

"Which house is it?" I ask.

"The one with the red door" Jay says hopping out of the limo.

"I'll come with you" Seb and I say at the same time.

"If lani's going I'm coming" Marco says

"Whatever let's go" Jay says and we all get out of the limo and get out her bags we head to the door to knock, but the door creaks open by itself and immediately Marco pulls me to his side.
We walk in as Jay is calling for her parents I notice a envelope with Jay's name on it.

"You guys check this out" I say picking up the envelope and handing it to Jay.

She ripped it open and read through it, after reading through it her face paled and she began to shiver.

"He's got my parents, he's got my f!*king parents. The devil that is named Jace has kidnapped my mom and dad" she recited over and over again shivering and rocking back and forth.

Seb grabbed the note and read through it. He then sat next to her and held her trying to comfort her. I sat doing the same, but also monitoring Marco he kept whispering something like 'the driver' to himself.
Then he dialled a number and started speaking.

" Did you get the message? , is the phone off speaker? Good! It's the driver kill him now he's speaking to someone and there's a gun in his pocket kill him and get your guns ready. Got it. Good!" He said dropping his phone. While Seb went up to him to speak to him about what he was talking, I tried to get Jay up on her feet and when I finally did I felt a presence behind me. I tried to move forward but the person had their hands tightly around my waist. I couldn't do anything so I screamed and so did Jay so there must have been another person holding her.

"Marco!" I screamed as I was being dragged into the living room.

"Lani" I heard Marco scream after Seb's screams for Jay.

The person holding me jumped through the low window pulling me along the way, not minding that I hit everything that we went past.

We got out of the house and the person lugged my fat ass into a car.

" Marco!" I screamed again. As the car pulled out of the curb I saw him and Seb running out of the house. Trying to catch up to the car.

"Scream one more time or even say anything and I'll have to use this little toy" the unknown voice said to me placing a cold metal surface onto my back and it made a clicking sound so all I could guess is that it's a gun.

I can't believe I put Jay into so much danger and her family just because she decided to be the only girl who wanted to associate them self with me and I now we're about to die and I can't even apologise.


Hello guys so I finally decided to post this chapter tell me what you think. I hope you like it because we are getting closer to the end of the book.

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Keep you head up high and spread the reading love.

Oh and merry christmas guys 😘

Love you guys

~Sarah xoxo

The Morreli mafia(interracial romance)Where stories live. Discover now