chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to my bestie Georgia_Sykes for making me an awesome cover.

" did he do this to you?" Marco said brushing his thumb over my bruises, 

I looked down again "yes" I whispered but, he heard me loud and clear.

" how did I let this happen"  he said picking up something then throwing it  across the room.

" you didn't know, no one knew.  its kind of surprising seeing as it's been going on since I was 12"  I said getting quieter as I reached the end of the sentence, speaking more to myself than him.

" Lani he's been doing this to you since you were 12 , he's been hitting you for almost 6 years and you just sat there and took the beatings"  Marco said, well more like shouted.  I'm sure everyone else in the house was beginning to get intrigued in our conversation seeing as they were bundled up by the door frame watching intently at what was happening. 

"I let him do it , because ... because I deserverd it, I deserved every slap, every kick, every punch I deserved it. I made my mom leave, I made his wife and only love leave. I deserved and still deserve everything coming to me.  you see this pain in my stomach it's nothing compared to knowing you made you mom leave that she didn't want you, or think you were good enough for her" I cried.

Maybe this conversation was not such  a good idea. 

They all just stood there and watched me as I began acting like a complete basket case.

" go  and get a paper bag, I think she's having a panic attack and get some ice all that heavy breathing must be causing her stomach so much pain"  I heard Jeremiah say.

To be completely honest I'd never told anyone how I truly felt and it didn't feel as good as I thought it would. All those quotes like 'The truth will set you free' I guess im still not free yet I still feel trapped, within myself.

" Take this and breathe into it"  Jacob said handing me the paper bag.

I breathed in and out and it was making me calm but doing havoc to my insides.  I winced as a sharp shouting pain shot its way up from my stomach to the rest of my boy. 

I just layed down on the floor holding my stomach and breathing in and out.

"guys I think we need to take her to hospital,  this doesn't look like any old stomach ache"  Gio said.

" No!"  both me and the boys shouted at him.

"  I can't go to hospital they'll ask me what happened and, I don't want to get my dad in trouble"

" hey Lani , can I ask you a question" Gio said acting as if everyone didn't just shout at him.

" go ahead"  I winced as I sat on Marco's bed, while the other boys cleared a spot and found somewhere to sit down.  I noticed that Marco was standing in the corner with something in he's hand, but I didn't question him.He still looked angry but not as angry as before. 

"I don't think its the best time to ask her questions"  Seb said

" No, its fine. What did you want to ask me Gio"  I winced again and I could tell everyone felt uncomfortable with my wincing but I couldn't help it.

" why do you say father AND dad" he said, some people would think that was a stupid question but, Gio is a really attentive boy.

" Well to be honest,  I say father when I  hate him and only think bad thoughts of him. I say father because he fathered me but theres no emotional connection.  I say dad when I remember the old him, the good him and the way he used to treat me as if I was the only girl in the world" 

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