chapter 5

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The boys turned and all I could do was gawk, they were gorgeous.  I'd never been around so many good looking people,  yet alone boys for this long. When they see me they normally run away or laugh at me.

They shared the same brown hair as Marco,  but they all varied in age as I found out when they introduced themselves.

"hi I'm Jeremiah, im 23" he had bluish greenish eyes and sandy brown hair just like Marco and the rest of he's brothers.

"hi I'm Jacob and I'm 21" he was tall and quite buff like Jeremiah qnd Marco

"hi I'm Sebastian,  but everyone calls me Seb, oh and I'm 19. Nice to meet you Alani"  Sebastian said he was adorable yet sexy, he bent down and kissed my hand, if I could blush my face would be bright red . "you  can call me Lani" I whisperd said, well whisperd. 

"sure thing Lani" Seb said, walking out the room with Jeremiah and Jacob. 

"Any way"  Marco said rather harshly. 

"My other two brothers Giovanni and Donetello, or Gio and Tello are out doing their own thing, they ahould be back in an hour. Their 15 and identical twins". Marco said sounding bored.

"So if your ready lets get this over and done with". Why so hostile? I thought to myself.

I followed him out the hallway and up the stairs. We got to a cream door that had a sign saying Marco's room, with skull and cross bones and toxic signs on it. There was also police tape on it, which could be real, I mean come on why doea the boy carry a knife around with him?I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and stepped into the room.

The room was nothing like I'd expected. It was so messy and 10 times bigger than my room.Okay if this is what a normal boys room looks like then don't judge me. I've never seen one before,  not even on tv, I'm not even allowed to watch tv at home.  There were clothes lying  everywhere,  the walls were painted a dark shade of blue that was almost black. Tables and chairs had been knocked over, the bad covera were all over the floor and the blinds were half up, half on the floor. it looked like there had been a riot in there. 

I found an empty spot on his desk that was covered in newspapers.  who knew a teenage boy could read so many newspapers. 

"Do you have your laptop" Marco asked me and I looked down at my hands. 

"Um I don't have a laptop"i said

All he did was nod and then he left the room with a thoughtful expression on his face. it's really embarrassing I don't have any  electrical things except my mp3 player, just becauae dather thinks they'll make me 'disobedient'. So when I have to do school work involving thw internet I use the old computers in the school library.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Marco come into the room with two boxes. one big one one small one.  he threw the small one to me and I caught it and he pushed thw big on onto the desk. 

I looked at the small box and my wyes bulged out  of my head.  "Marco I can't accept this and you just randomly have an iphone in the house" I said raising an eyebrow

"yep and listen it's oka-" I cut him short

"oh my gosh you got me a mac book,  take it back I cant accept this"  I said pushing the apple products away from me.

"listen you can accept it okay" Marco said

He sat on his bed and pulled out his mac book

"okay let's get to work" Then we began, well we tried to begin.  Marco had to spend some time teaching me how to use the mac book.

Just as we were about to start I heard someone open the front door. 

"honey I'm home" I heard a younger boys voice shout.  I walked own the stairs and came face to face with two adorable identical  twins.

"oh sweetie I missed you so much"  the other twin said walking to the othwr sid of the roo, then running, jumping and planting a slobbery kiss on his brothers cheek. 

" Get of me Gio"  the one with blue eyes said , the other twin  I'm guessing to be  Gio had green eyes.

"But Tello I missed you" Gio said pouting.

" Gio we just apent a whole day together and walked into the house together,  idiot!" Then Donetello or Tello slapped him across the back of his head. I couldn't help but laugh and their heads snapped to me.

"Who's hoe is this" Gio said rubbing the back of his head. 

" I am no one's ho-" I tries to say but Marco cut mw short. 

" She's my hoe" he said  smirking down at me, gosh I hate that smirk. 

"Really?  she looks friendly"  Tello aaid raising an eyebrow at me while I tried to claw Marco's face off,  with Gio holding mw back.  where  the hell has this burst of beavwry come from?  I asked myself.

" I am not his hoe, I am his partner for an English project"

"partner" Gio said raising his eyebrows,  what ia with everyone raising thwir eyebrows?

"yeah"  Marco said scratching the back of his head then gave Tello and Gio a dirty look.

I looked out the window while Marco and his brothera were being weird and I realised it was dark.

I looked down at my watch and thw time read 8:00pm, I'm so dead I thought to myself.

"Marco I need to go"  I said qith a hint of panic leaking through my voice .

" we haven't even started anything" he said

" don't worry about it we'll start on Monday" I said while gathering my things in a hurry.

"fine I'll drive you home then" he said


The ride home was mostly silent ans I knew it was because of me. Each time Mqrco tried to inciat conversation I would cut thwm short with one word answers becausw I was juat anticipating the beating I was going to get.  one slap for every minute missed after curfew.

Marco dropped me off , watched me go into the house then drove off. I left the phone and laptop he gave me at his house not wanting to risk father finding them,  because then id be double dead .

I stepped into the house and I was about to sneak upstairs, but my father came out of nowhere qith a largw object in his hand. 

"Alani" he whisper yelled. 

"yes father" I turn around only for my face to collide with the large object after my father swung it.  After that I blacked out only feeling a heavy object on my ribs and hearing a large crunching sound ,before everything went black.


hey guys random update here saw  that I've already reached  2000 reads, hope you liked it. hope you liked it vote, comment and read. 

so much happened  in that chapter,Marco is a bit of a jelous judy now isn't he. don't you huys just love Gio and Tello thwy add a bit of fun to everything. 

I love you huys so so so so so so sooooooooo much, even you out therw who where's see through black legging.  you all are my  ride or dies, your my g's,  the baddest bananas out there

sorry I've been watching  a lot of bad girls club

so with on final note if you gon pop off, pop off  !!!

love you guys xoxo


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