chapter 10

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"Wake up auntie Lani, Wake up!" I heard a cute, but very annoying voice scream into my ear.

"Alright Chlarisa, I'm up. You didn't have to burst my ear drums" I said half getting off my bed, half falling off.

" But auntie Lani, I was shaking you and you didn't wake up so I had to shout" She said pouting.

" Well thank you for waking me up hun, go and ask one of your uncles if they can make you breakfast" I smiled at her then ushered her out of my room.  I went to the bathroom and did my normal routine, teeth, shower deodarent and I was out. I picked up a pair of tatty black jeans, a grey t shirt and Gio's black hoodie, I pulled my hair out of its twists then tied it up into a big puff on the top of my head. I have a lot of Gio's clothes in my room I really need to give them back to him, theres only one problem. They're so comfortable!

I slipped on my trusty black vans, grabbed my bag and limped my way downstairs to go and get breakfast.

"morning guys" I said in a monotone voice as I made my way over to the fridge to get some milk for my cereal.

" morning" They all said in the same monotone voice as mine. I grabbed a bowl and poured my cereal, milk and sugar.  I turned around and thats when the atosphere seemed to hit me like a brick wall.

There was so much tension in the air you could cut it with a sword because a regular knife could not handle it. I walked over to the table where everyone was glaring at Marco and Chlarisa seemed to just sit and talk to herself without a care in the world.

In between a spoonful of cereal I decided to turn Marco's way and his apperarence shocked me. He had swollen black eyes, a swollen jaw, cuts on his cheek  and a busted lip. His skin was pale, his eyes  were blood shot from a lack of sleep and he kept wincing with every move. He thought no one could see the pain he was in , but I could and some how just looking at him made me feel his pain. I don't like this and I'm beyond pissed right now.

"who did that to Marco" I said calmly while taking another spoonful of cereal and looking each one of the boys.

"Did what?" Gio said trying to act dumb. Oh no, you aren't about to play the dumb card with me child.

"Who beat him up, don't play the dumb card with me Gio" I said my voice still calm but venomous.  I picked up another spoonful of cereal.

"We did it , he deserved it" Gio said and I looked up at him with disgust but still kept calm.

"What did he do to deserve this " I said gesturing to Marco, who had stayed quiet through this time.

"He left you" Tello said. I looked at the other boys and they seemed to agree with him except Jacob who held a look I couldn't read.  he kept his head down despite this I could still see his face contouring into different expressions.

I walked up to Marco and told him to look at me .

"Why did you leave me yesterday" I asked him , sure that I was going to get a good reason.  He looked at Jacob for a second the turned back to me and looked at the ground.

"It was because...becau...because I was embarrassed by you and didn't want people finding out that you knew me"  No,  he's lying, he can't mean what he says.

"look me in the eye and tell me what you just told me" I said, he slowly lifted his head and looked at me and gulped.

"I was embarrassed by you and didn't want people to think we knew eachother" he said looking me straight in the eye.

"Umm ...Okay" I looked at him then eveyone else who had angry looks on their faces except Jacob who had another expression I couldn't read. No more tears, Do. Not . Cry. Lani.  I thought to myself, I let one tear slip out from my eyes before quickly wiping it away.

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