chapter 6

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I woke up in a pool of my own blood, a throbbing headache and my sides hurt like a god knows what. I went to my room and looked at the alarm clock, which read Tuesday 15 May 7:30am. So I was knocked out for the whole weekend and Monday,  new record. 

I grabbed a grey baggy sweatshirt which I got from the thrift store, a sports bra just because it's comfortable,  girl boxers for the same reason as the sports bra, black skinny jeans and my trusty vans.

Then I ran out the hallway and took a long shower because I stank of blood and other things. I got dressed,  then looked at myself in the full length mirror. 

As I surveyed every piece of the blob I call my body, my eyes began to water. " I'm not pretty just look at me  Jace was right I'm not fit to be called a human being" I said to myself looking in the mirror. 

I sat on the bed and tears slowly slipped out of my eyes,  why can't I be like Amber she's pretty, popular and a right biatch, but no one cares about her attitude , they just care about how she looks.

I'm just a fat blob,  with 'chocolate' skin that looks more purple than brown. 

I can't take this anymore,  I cried pulling the thick cotten like mess that was supposed to be my hair.  My breathing started becoming ridged and I knew what was coming on. Panic attack! I began rocking forwards and backwards.  Breathe lani, breathe, I told myself. 

after I had calmed myself down I tried to get up, but a sharp pain ran through my stomach area. I waited for the pain to give in and put on make up to cover the many bruises on my face.  when I was done I looked like a cake face, but there were too many bruises to just be covered up by  concealer.

Instead of jumping out the window today I went down the stairs,  because my stomach was too tender , to handle that drop and I think I've put on some weight so if I jump out that window one more time I'll break the window and myself. 

I got to the bottom of the stairs looked around then opened the door and ran out closing it behind me.  My walk to school was so painful it seemed like my stomach got more painful.

I got to school and went straight to first class which was  history and took a seat at the front.


Now it's third period, which I have with Marco. I walked in and sat in the seat I sat at on Friday,  the bell rang and I waited a little bit for Marco and he didnt come in the first five minutes so I started working on the project.  15 minutes into the class Marco came in. he gave the teacher a nod then sat down next to me.

"Marco you don't wanna sit with that thing,  come sit with us"  jace said rather predictably. 

" no I'm fine here, Jace" Marco said which shocked a couple of people including Jace.

" where were you yesterday" Marco asked me

" I was at home there was some family problems I had to sort out, sorry and I couldn't call I left my phone and laptop at your house" I said in a sort of hushed tone. 

"oh okay lets get to work, you gonna swing by and pick up your stuff then" Marco said in the same tone as me, which made me laugh and people turn heads. What am I not even allowed to  laugh?

"yeah sure, you'll pick me up and drop me off,  right? " I asked

"off course" with that we began to work, as the work increased so did the pain in my stomach. The bell went and I packed my things sitting down because off the pain. 

"lani are you alright?" Marco said cathing one of my pained looks.

"yeah im totally fine,  just got a tummy ache" I said

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