chapter 3

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I woke up this morning feeling the same as always, sore. My whole face feels like it's on fire. Today I'm actually planning on staying in school for th whole day. Not because I want to ,but because if I don't make all my detentions then I'll be permanently expelled.  If I'm expelled I have to stay at home with father, more time spent with him means more bruises to add on my trophy wall.

     After I did my normal routine , I tied the laces to my black vans (which just so happen to be the only shoes I have)to complete my outfit of dark blue jeans, black t shirt and navy blue parka jacket that I've had since I was 13. I would love to dress all fashion like and what not, but I'd be too noticeable and I just don't have the money ,to add to that ill just look wrong because of my size, so whats the point.

    I grabbed a granola bar , my earphones, keys and jumped out the window. I plugged my earphones into the mp3 player I got for my 12th birthday and began my journey to my vision of hell.

  I walked in  just as the bell rang, so the halls were pretty much empty, I went straight to my first period seeing as I had all my books prepared.

I walked into English and sat in the closest seat to the back of the room.


It's now lunch and today's been  okay aside from the name calling here and there,  I haven't seen Amber  because I don't have any periods except lunch with her so I'm planning  on sitting outside. I make my way to the lunch room quickly,  so if Amber is in school we won't cross paths. 

Once I step into the lunch room you won't believe whats happens, No the whole lunch room does not go quiet and stare at me , the popular table bursts into immediate laughter like it was planned.

Then the first piece of food was thrown at me , by Queen bitch herself. 

I turn around to leave when someone grabs me, I look up to see the blond boy that laughed at me yesterday. 

"Hey are you Alani" he says and I just nod keeping my head down, not wanting him to recognise me.

"Can you look up so I can see your face" although he asked me this I still keep my head down,  I looked around and the whole lunch room was staring at us like something was going to happen.  I need to get out ! My head was screaming at me. I tried to push past the boy, but lost due to the amount of muscle he had. 

He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head, he smirked then brought something from behind him, which i recognise to be pizza and smacked it in my face. "I'm so sorry"  he said mimicking me from yesterday,  everyone burst into laughter.  I try to open the door,  but someone has locked it, so now I have to walk across the whole lunch room, to the other door which was open.

As I'm walking everyone is throwing food at me , when I get to the other side I sigh then open the door and walk out  to go to my locker and get my spare clothes. I have spare clothes because  Amber always does things like this, that mean I have to get dirty. She's never pulled something like this though. It's mostly me getting pushed in the mud. I grab my clothes then walk to the showers. I lock the the door  with the key the janitor gave me when he found me in here, after school, covered in mud. 

After I have my shower then changed into my clothes,  I make my way to last period because I missed 5th period trying to calm down the tears and cover the bruises. 

  I walked in and told the teacher 'sorry I'm  late' she just rolled her eyes and I sat down in the front seeing as blond boy was sitting in the back, smiling at me .

The teacher was saying something but I wasn't paying attention, I was staring intently at the clock waiting for it to ring. 

Brrrring, as soon as the bell rang I  gathered my stuff and made a dash for the door,  I literally ran to the detention room and sat down.

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