Chapter 20

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"Jace" I said looking at the boy in front of me in complete shock.

" Yes Lani, bit of a shock I know, so what do you say?" Jace said grabbing my waist.

"Well I can't , you were an ass to me" it said very unsure of the situation.

" I'm a different person I promise. I've always liked you but I didn't want to be judged. I've changed now and don't give a damn what those idiots think" he said pulling me into a hug.

" Fine oka-" I was about to answer but stopped after feeling a strange shaped object hit my stomach.

"Oh who the hell am I kidding, you're an ugly little dog I don't want you" Jace said and I began to panic!

I looked down at this object. IT'S A GUN!

As soon as I saw this object I think my face paled, all blood rushed from my face and I was frozen in shock.

I looked over at Jay and she looked agitated like this was not supposed to happen. As I watched her I saw someone appear behind her. I tried to scream out but Jace had his hand clamped around my mouth.

As this unknown person came out of the shadows, I recognised them immediately and their presence tipped me over the edge. As I collapsed I recalled the person that had just shot a needle into my best friend.


Marco pov

We were in the bushes, after getting rid of all of Jace's men we watched everything take place.

I watched as Jace's filthy hands roamed all over My Lani's body and it made me sick to the stomach. She looked so beautiful today and didn't need this but Jace was stupid enough to ask Jay for help.

She told us everything and we knew it was a set up, but something wasn't right.

I carried on watching Lani , suddenly her face paled and she looked down. I followed her eyes to see a gun pressed against her stomach. When I saw this I nearly leaped out of my skin, but Jeremiah pulled me back from almost blowing the mission.

I watched her face again and she looked at Jay and something changed in her. She seemed so much more scared than before if that was possible.

Next thing I knew she collapsed and that did it for me. I am not going to leave her with him in that state. I tried to go and get her but Seb was holding me back.

"I know how you feel, Jay is there as well but it'll be fin-" Seb said almost trying to persuade himself but stopped after seeing something behind him.

Jay lay unconscious on the floor and Jace and some man carried her and Lani out.

Now you could say Seb and I were angry. There's no more pulling back we all got into the van and followed their van.

Gio and Tello were in the back, Jacob and Jeremiah in the middle and Seb and I up front.

We pulled out the guns and it began.

Seb and I shot the two front wheels , Gio and Tello shot the back wheels. All of us were on target and the drivers were forced to slow down and step out.

As they stepped out we stood shocked by someone we hadn't seen in a while.

"Lani's dad" I heard Gio whisper to himself in the back.

" Hello boys so you thought you could get rid of me that easily. I've come to claim my daughter. thank you for taking care of her for these last seven months but I can handle it from here" Lani's dad said caressing her face then planting a harsh slap across her cheek.

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