Chapter 18

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Okay so it's been about two weeks since me and Marco kissed. After we kissed he left my room in a haste mumbling and looking all agitated. I've been meaning to talk to him about the kiss but I just haven't had the time.

I've got my last three final exams tomorrow and Marco, Jay and I are currently sitting in my room trying to cram as much as possible.

Marco and I have gotten a lot closer since the kiss but sometimes there's some sought of tension in the air. Marco and all of the boys have been hella stressed because they say the mafia 'comes alive' during the summer. I think that Marco's had a little extra on his plate with exams.

Now don't get me wrong, Marco doesn't care at all about his exams, but I just want him to have a fall back plan or something on the side.

" Jay pass me a drink?" I said as Jay dipped her head into the mini fridge in the corner of my room, which the boys insisted I should have seeing as they all had one.

" What do you want? Fanta? cola? or a Ribena juice box?" Jay asked me knowing fully well what I wanted.

I raised my eyebrow at her and she threw the drink my way laughing.

"Okay here's your Ribena , don't cut off my head" Jay said laughing and getting comfortable on the bed.

I grabbed the juice box , stuck the straw in and started sipping on it.

'I could do with a packet of Doritos ' I thought to myself.

Marco sat and watched me for a second before speaking.

"Uh I need a snack, I'll be back in a second" Marco said before leaving my room.

" So you and Marco talked about the kiss yet?" Jay asked me.

"No but we need to soon because I want to know what it meant, I thought it meant he liked me but we've been acting like we're on friendship levels, you know I need clarity" I said just as the door opened and in walked Marco with a packet of chilli flavoured Doritos.

"Oh my gosh I was just thinking about Doritos" I said not really caring about how food obsessed I sounded.

"Would you like some Lani" Marco sarcastically asked me as I pulled my full hands out the bag, with Jay coming over and doing the same thing.

" Your so childish" Marco said to me after he'd watched me bite the Doritos into shapes.

" I am not!"

" You kinda are" Jay added on.

"Oh so now your siding with him and I am not!"I said grabbing by juice box and furiously sucking on the straw giving both of them the evils.

" You guys we're not getting anymore revision done today, it's already 10:30 and I bet your mom's going to call you any second now Jay" I said as they started packing up agreeing with me.

" These last two weeks of constant revision and exams and we have our last three tomorrow, I'm so proud of you two!" I screamed pulling them into a hug.

"Yeah yeah thanks Lani" Jay said adjusting her clothes, she so crap at showing emotion.

"Yeah what she said" Marco said doing the same as Jay. Gosh emotionless robots.

"Ill see you tomorrow Jaysizzle" I said to Jay.

"Bye Marco, see ya tomorrow lanizzle" jay called out pulling out the drive.

I turned around and got into the house with Marco.

"G'night Marco" I said kissing him on the cheek.

"G'night Lani" he kissed me on the cheek and smiling.

I ran up the stairs and went to my room.

"Lord thank you for the people around me, thank you for knowledge and thank you for allowing me to see a new day. as we all write our exams tomorrow fill us with knowledge and let us remember what is necessary , in Jesus name I pray, amen"

With that I got into bed and went to sleep.

5, 4 ,3,2,1 rinnnnggg , I've been up since 5 and it is now 7:30. Time to get up. I've been up wording about the exams and because I've been up I've just been thinking.

I really don't like thinking, it means those horrible thoughts or questions you push back resurface ten times larger.

I do my normal morning routine and dress up in grey sweats, a white v neck, white converse and my hair is up in a sock bun. I have to comfortable today I don't really care about how I look.

I grab my backpack and head downstairs.

"Morning guys!" I said knowing they had hangovers, stupid idiots played drinking games and included my babies Gio and Tello.

"Stop shouting!" Seb shouted, but ended up holding his head from the pain he caused himself.

"You ready Marco?" I asked Marco as he slipped on his shoes.

"It's whatever, whatever the outcome at least I tried." he said grabbing his keys.

"Le go!" he said trying to act like Chris Brown.

"Shut up let's get out of here" I said pushing him out the door.

"How was it?" I asked Marco and Jay.

"It was standard" he said, whenever I asked him a question and he says standard it means he's to lazy to explain.

"How was your?" he asked me.

"It was great , everything we revised was on the paper.

"What about you Jay" I asked Jay, directing my attention to her.

"It was good, same as what you said" she said looking up from her phone.

"Lani,Jay, you know the whole mafia comes alive thing, it's true and extremely dangerous, you need to be with one of us at all times and always have your phone and this necklace" he said handing me a silver pendant with a red thing and picture of a sunset in it.

Jay found out the mafia, a very loud Seb told her obviously after consulting with everyone.

"What's the necklace for?" Jay asked.

"It's got a tracking device and a camera and is sort of like a phone , with all our numbers and the police station" Marco said getting into his car as I started to walk to Jay's car, she's been hanging at my house every single day after "kiss day" as me and Jay call it.

Marco pulled up next to us and said into the car:

"The mafia comes alive during the summer"


Hey guys chapter 18 here, thank you so much for over 100000 reads I was supposed to upload that day but I was so busy. thank you so much 103000 reads ahhhhhhh. keep reading, commenting and voting.

Keep your head up high, spread the reading love.

Love you guys

~Sarah xoxo

The Morreli mafia(interracial romance)Where stories live. Discover now