The Morreli mafia(interracial romance)

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"you ugly black piece of crap" my father spat in my face  and threw in a punch to my right eye, just to add emphasis on how much he despises me. I got up from where I was left yesterday and made my to my room  to get ready for school.

I picked out my clothes for today,  a grey sweatshirt with, black skinny jeans and my black vans. I dressed this way for 2 reasons:

1 being that I am trying to go unnoticed in school

2  It's currently January in New York and its still quite cold outside.

I step out my room making sure 'father dearest' is not around because I'm not looking to get punched again. After I hear him snoring not so softly downstairs, I take a quick shower and run back to my room. I lotion up , but before getting dressed I look at my body and wince at the

sight of it.

After looking at myself I put on my clothes not feeling like looking at myself again. I tied up my thick puffy hair into a sock bun, then covered my bruises with concealer and I was done. I grabbed a cereal bar from my drawers. I dont have breafast in the kitchen because my father is always downsatairs.

Also because it stinks of alcohol  due to his alchohol abuse. 

I grabbed my phone, earphones and keys. I went down the stairs and straight out the door. As soon as I plugged in my earphones  freedom by Nicki minaj came on. I listened to the song while  walking to my worst nightmare school. Where I get bullied and feel like I'm nothing and worthless,  I wouldn't blame them for bullying me I mean I'm pretty ugly. 

As soon a I walked through school doors the name calling started.

The names just kept coming and as they were being thrown at me , my eyes began to fill up with water. I pushed back the tears and continued walking with my head down until   something, or someone I should say bumped shoulders with me knocking  me to the floor.

When I saw the person that bumped into me , my eyes widened in fear. The one person who hated my guts , disliked me so much and would do anything to see me cry , breakdown and crumble in front of her.

Amber Riley

" Get up you fat slut" just as Amber asked I got up only to get pushed back down on the floor by one of Ambers minions. Instead of getting looks of pitty and sorrow I got laughter from everyone, when I say everyone I mean everyone.

The teachers were laughing as they walked past and the principal would have to have been the worst.

He was standing infront of his office door howling like a hyena.

I got up and walked to leave the circle that had formed around us, only to get pushed back in by some nerd. Even nerds thought they were better than me.

With nowhere else to go I turned back to Amber , to see a victorious smirk plasterd all over her face.

"where did you think you were going whore, your so ugly looking at you repels me. ugh! Why are you even alive, now I can see why your mother left you what human being would want you as a daughter. I'm even surprised your dad has kept you for this long. Just go and kill yourself , you have no one and no man is ever going to want you. What do you have to live for" she said and thats when everyone went quite and just stared at me.

Tears flowed freely down my face, she smirked and looked at her minions for encouragement, but they just looked down feeling uncomfortable.  Everyone else was still silent processing everything Amber just said.

Amber got the gist that something wasn't right and looked at me , where I was now sitting by the lockers trying to calm myself, looking down while the tears flowed. She whispered something to her minions and they came up to me helped me up then ...

Slapped me!

I'd had enough torment for one day so I pushed the nerd from before down then walked out of the school building, while still crying.

Firstly I have done no wrong to Amber for her to treat me this way and secondly how could the teachers let one whole period go just to watch my torment. It's not even a race thing seeing as the principal is black and the over one quater of the student population are black.

Through my thinking I wasn't watching where I was going until I heard a loud horn. As I turned around I saw that I almost got hit by a very nice looking car, that was entering the school parking lot. What student comes to school halfway through the day.

As the boy came out the car.

my mouth hung open

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