Chapter 23

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Surprise chapter, I felt bad about how long the last chapter took so here is another one. oh and you guys are definitely going to like it ;)

Hello people of the world before I start I would like to give a big shout out to @mandatorysociety on her book 'The ultimate play' it's flipping amazing and you have to check it out, that's an order - alright let's get to the story 😋


Warning mild sexual content

'Why do I feel a draft on my stomach' I thought to myself as the blackness started to fade and light shone straight into my eyes.

"The light , it burns" I tried to yell but it came out more like a whisper because my throat was dry and quite painful.

I heard a group of people , mainly boys burst out laughing. My eyes finally opened to see another eye ball staring straight into mine.

"I THINK she's awake, but I'm not sure. I'll poke her to make sure" Gio said to the others.

"Oh shut up Gio , you're so weird" I tried to say but it sounded more like two pieces of sand paper rubbing together.

The boys looked at me and laughed again.

I looked down and saw that I was in my sports bra and sweatpants that were too long and too big for me

" This is serious déjà vu, come on guys you know how I feel about being half naked in front of you guys. who changed me?" I said slightly tearing up at them seeing my sorry excuse of a body.

" I changed you and we needed to take your dress off for Jeremiah to get the bullet out" he said and as soon as he said that a small sting shot up from where I was shot.

Whilst Marco was speaking he took off his sweatshirt and threw it at me. When he did this memories of last night came rushing back to me and one particular thing that Marco said , that set me off into fit of giggles.

"Why are you laughing" Tello asked me looking worried.

"Marco... he said..phaha" I tried to speak inbetween laughter.

I composed myself then spoke.

"Okay last night, when we were in the car Marco gave me his shirt and I said that he always ends up taking his clothes off for me , he said he would take off his clothes whenever I need him to. I don't think he realised how dirty that sounded" I said and burst into a fit of laughter while everyone joined in with me.

That was when I realised we weren't in New York anymore or even on the ground.

"Guys, where are we? And where is Jay?" I asked as the laughter died down.

" Okay so we're on the families private jet on our way to Italia" Jeremiah confirmed.

"And Jay is..." Jeremiah tried to add on before getting interrupted.

"Is right here" Jay said pushing her way through the tree giants know as the Morreli boys.

"Lani!!" Jay screamed approaching me.

"Jay!!" I screamed mocking her.

She came up to me and pulled me into a hug, BAD IDEA!

We both bent over in pain.

"Ow, Jay not one of our smartest ideas" I said sounding pained.

"Nope" she said through gritted.

"Come I'll show you our room, lets get away from these idiots" Jay said pulling me away from the hysterically laughing boys.

Jay and I were sitting on the double bed in our room which was the only room on this colossal jet. When Jay came up with a less than brilliant idea.

The Morreli mafia(interracial romance)Where stories live. Discover now