chapter 9 - part 2

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So lunch time rolled around and I stood infront of the  Cafeteria dreading going inside as memories from the last time  I stepped in there  flashed in my mind. I gave myself a little pep talk. " Come on Lani, you can do this. No more tears"  I encouraged myself and laughed at the ' No more tears'  bit, remembering that it's Johnsons baby's slogan but, the soap stings like hell. Psht,  no more tears my back foot.

I took a deep breath , opened the door and walked in. As soon as I walked in everyones eyes were on me. They seemed to follow my every movement.  Well this is not creepy at all( Note my sarcasm) Jay better be worth me being scared out of my brains. I kept as cool as I could on the outside looking For jays black and blue plaits.  Inside of me on the other I was not calm I was scared out of my mind about what everyones' next move would be.

I spotted Jay in the Corner of the room and practically ran to her. Everyone still with their eyes on me.  Amber was glaring at me as I went over to Jay,  everyone else was just watching.

" Hey girl, step into my office" Jay said gesturing to the empty booth she was in.

"You wanted to talk?" I asked her already knowing the answer seeing as she asked me here to talk to me.

"Yes, I have somethings that I need to get off my chest" She said looking deep in thought,  if she wants to thrust her problems on someone.  I'm not sure if I'm the right person seeing as I'm so messed up myself.

" Look Jay if you want to talk to someone about your problems I'm not sure if I'm the rig-" I tried to explain but was interrupted by Jay.

"I'm not talking about my problems, I'm talking about you.  I need to get some things off my chest about you" She explained. Oh lord she going to curse me out. I sat there preparing myself for the hurtful words.

" Your so nice , quite and shy. Why does Amber hate you so much as to humiliate you like that" She asked. Not what I was expecting but it's better than getting shouted at.

" Well to be completely honest I don't know why she hates me so much and I guess you saw what happened this morning.  One of many  Amber hurts Lani stunts" I said.

"I followed you to the bathroom after I saw you crying.  No I wasn't being weird I just wanted to see if you were okay. Oh how is your ankle Amber stamped on it pretty hard." As soon as She said I looked down at my ankle it hurt so much and I couldn't really walk properly, I limped but its all good. She actually sounded like she cared. I thought Marco cared for me but seems like he doesn't he said he'd come back but, I haven't seen him since he said he'd meet me by my locker, this morning.

"Well thank you for caring" I said offering a smile to her.

" Well no problem.  You need a good friend and I reckon I know a person. She has a nose and lip piercing , she has black and blue braids, She has an awesome dress sense and her names Jay" She said smirking. 

" Hmmm , she seems cool I think I'll take her and she does have an awesome dress sense doesn't she ?" I said smiling. 

The bell rang and we walked out together. Everyone was still staring but this time it was more like shock while me and Jay just laughed and joked around. We parted ways and made our way to our classes. I would have gave her my number but I don't have a phone.

Oh my gosh,  the phone , how am I going to explain it to the boys. I groaned as I made my way to  my last period, English.  Marco and I both had English together so I don't know if he'd be there. I also had English with Jace and I don't know how I'd deal a whole 50 minutes with that douchebag after having a decent lunch with Jay.

50 minutes , a couple of hurtsul words, no sign of Marco and school was over.  They let me off my detention and reminded us about our projects.  They were in for Friday and Marco and I hadn't done anything.

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