Chapter 19

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I seriously cannot believe I've finished high school all that's left now is prom and graduation and I'm officially done. I can't wait to get out of the hell. Not much good has come out of my last 4 years in high school, but I do have 2 things or people to be grateful to this school for: Marco and Jay.

"Have you got your dress for prom yet?" Jay asked me sitting on the kitchen counter.

"No, I haven't really been thinking of prom. Have you got yours?"

"Nope! do you wanna go dress shopping tomorrow. Seeing as prom is in 3 days"

"Sure, why not. I just wish a certain someone would ask me. If you know who I mean" I said to Jay while placing food on the table.

"Boys! food is ready!"

"Erm can You guys come out here for a second!" I heard Seb shout from the backyard.

I looked at Jay, we shrugged shoulders and walked out into the backyard.

All the boys stood dressed in white, each holding a red rose. Rose petals lay on the ground spelling out something.

'Will you go to prom with me ... Jay?' The petals said.

Jay turns around to see Seb on one knee with a bouquet of roses and purple corsage because purple is Jays favourite colour.

"Aww this is really cheesy, but your cute for trying so yes I will go to prom with you!"
Jay said,grabbing Seb and pulling him into one of her bone crushing hugs, he didn't seem to mind because he had the biggest grin I'd ever seen on his face.

I'm happy for them but something in me wished it was Marco and I, but it's not I guess I'll have to deal with it. the kiss meant nothing!

I sighed and looked up to Marco, he smiled at me and I pulled out a smile from somewhere.

Everyone then went inside and ate the dinner I'd prepared. After they'd finished they put their plates in the dish washer and headed into the living room.

Marco stayed behind to help me clear the table, but halfway through I decided to go and clean the backyard up of the roses and rose petals.

I finished cleaning up everything , when I saw a one last rose laying on the ground, I picked up the rose and just stared at it.

'One day I will get one of them from someone I love and when I do I'll treasure it forever because it will be the first sign of love I'll have ever had in my life' I thought to myself.

With that thought I dropped the rose in the bin bag and turned only to see Marco watching me through the French doors. Whilst I walked into the kitchen he spoke to me.

"Are you alright you seemed a little down?" Marco asked me

And I responded with:

"Yeah I'm fine just expecting a package that never came, but I guess I'll have to wait , it's been almost 7 months since I needed it" I said slightly hinting he was the package.

"No! don't wait, you claim what's yours if you've waited that long you deserve to get it, call up the company and find out where your package is, g'night Lani" Marco said kissing my cheek.

"Yeah g'night Marco" I said doing the same, Marco then left me sitting in the kitchen.

" I just wish the package would claim me as it's owner" I thought to myself as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went upstairs to my room.

After putting my hair in two messy buns, which ended up with me looking like Minnie Mouse I said a quick prayer and went to bed.


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