Chapter 16

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Jay and I are pulling up to the drive way of the house now. I'm not sure how the boys'll feel if I invited her in without even asking them. After all it is their house and with the mafia thing I don't think they'd be too happy.

"Uh Jay I can't really invite you in right now but thanks for the lift. I appreciate it" I said and Jay nodded. She got back in her car and handed me the keys to Marco's car ,waved and drove off.

"ByeLani I'll see tomorrow hotness" she shouted out the window as she drove down the really quiet road.

I buzzed at the gate and someone answered.

"Who is it " Tello's tired voice rang through the intercom.

"Hey it's Lani, can you let me in? Oh and I need someone to go and pick up Marco's car from school" I responded back to Tello.

"Wait how did you get ho-" gosh why is he asking so many questions.

"Can you just open the gate so I can come in and not look like some creepy stalker staring at your house"

"Oh yeah sure" Tello said, I heard a beep then the gates started to open and I walked in.

I opened the door with Marco's key and walked in .

" honey I'm home!" I shouted and then heard the twins running in my direction.

We did our usual crazy weird things and then made our way to the kitchen, where Seb, Jacob and Jeremiah were sitting. I went up and kissed Chlarisa on the forehead.

"Uh guys I need someone to go and collect Marco's car from school " I said and their heads snapped to me.

"Where's Marco? How did you get home? " Seb asked me.

"I didn't come home by myself , my friend Jay dropped me off in her car. We did contemplate taking Marco's car but I didn't want her to make another journey back to school. And Marco stormed out of school , but not before handing me the keys to his car" I said in one big breath.

"Do you know why Marco stormed out of school?" Jeremiah asked me.

"Well..." I said scratching the back of my head, feeling really uncomfortable about the whole situation. I can't believe he beat up Jace like that, just for me.

"Lani..." They all warned.

"He got into a fight, because this boy was being an ass to me and I stopped him before he killed the boy, then he just upped and left the building handing me his keys" I answered them, handing Jeremiah the keys.

I then ran up stairs to get into something more comfortable, leggings and Marco's sweatshirt which I stole from his room. Out of all the boy's in the house, Marco's clothes seemed to be the most comfortable.

I got back to the kitchen to see Tello sitting on the kitchen counter, snacking on some potato chips and scrolling through his phone.

"Hey where's everyone" I said as I grabbed the chips out of his hands.

"They've gone to find Marco , Chlarisa is asleep upstairs and give me my chips back" he said and I shook my head , putting them in a cupboard he could easily get to.

"I'm making dinner tonight"I said and he nodded.

"Like as in actual home cooked food, don't play with me because I'm getting really excited" He said his eyes twinkling like a kid on Christmas morning.

"I'm not playing . We have to hurry up though because the boys will be back soon" I said looking at the clock on the wall that read 5:56pm .

I tied my hair up into a messy bun and turned to see Tello smiling like crazy with his hands open. I walked into his hug still trying to fix my hair.

The Morreli mafia(interracial romance)Where stories live. Discover now