Chapter 28

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We sat in the car in complete silence for a good twenty minutes. I could hear Jay next to me quietly sobbing, not only was her life at risk, but also her parents lives.

I felt I warm tear roll down my cheeks, I don't know who these people are I don't know what they are going to do to Jay and I and that really scared me. I'm going to do everything in my power to save Jay.

The silence in the van was interrupted by the gruff voice of the man in the front.

"Put the blind folds on them " was all he said before my once clear sight was blinded by blackness.

Ten minutes after that , the car was stopped and Jay and I were dragged out of it and pushed to the direction we were supposed to be walking in. As we walked I could catch a faint smell of cheese and hear whimpers and cries in the far distance.

As we walked on the whimpers and cries got so loud to the point where I felt as if we were standing right in front of the culprit of these sounds.

I was pushed to the ground and I felt something being tied around my midriff and arms. After this the blindfold was snatched from my face and the light hit me like a bullet. when I'd adjusted to the light I saw a black man and woman who had been beaten and bruised. The woman was sobbing and the man was trying to comfort her but he looked scared aswell.

"Mom! Dad!..." Jay shouted trying to get up only to be held back by the ropes tied around her.

"Shut up" a man said and planted a hard slap on her right cheek, and I squirmed at that.

" Janice" her parents screamed only to be silenced by a slap each.

"Is boss ready" one of the men asked the other and he nodded.

And just like that the two men moved to the side.And a figure in a wheel chair came towards us. As they drew nearer I began to make out who it was.


"Welcome to your humble abode for the next few days before I kill you" he said laughing sinisterly.

"You and those boys are really something else, running away and coming back. You should have anticipated something like this" he said .

And that triggered something in my.

The necklaces, the necklaces that Seb and Marco gave us. Yes this could work, hopefully they can tap into the camera's and see what is happening. right now we need to silent and wait out night time.

"You are so pathetic, look at you. You are both disgusting. walking around here like you own something when you're just poor little black girls sponging of some little rich kids who made their money from selling drugs and killings people, kind of like what I'm doing" he said laughing.

"I guess your sweet little boyfriends and I are not so different" he said and I couldn't listen to him talk so much crap.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! you're nothing nothing like Marco, he's a sweet caring human being. And you're sinister. The devils spawn so don't you ever compare yourself to Marco because you are polar opposites" I said and was met by a slap and a kick to the stomach. They didn't really affect me, I've dealt with worse with the man I called my father.

So when they hit me and I stayed unmoved it shocked them and Jay as well.

" Don't worry we'll break her, we'll just have to deal with her differently. but first lock up everywhere and get the car ready for us to leave make sure the guards are on watch outside as well" Jace said before being wheeled away by one of his goons.

I looked up up to the zinc clad roof of the building that probably couldn't protect us from rain judging from the many holes in the roof confirming that it was indeed dark outside.

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