chapter 26

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The darkness of night had swomped the limo, the lights of the limo kept everyone frome being faceless bodies as the moon illuminated the bottom half of our bodies. All you could here was the low breathing of everyone. Some steady some not.

We all sat in silence on our way back. Neither Jay or I dared to speak. Knowing the boys needed time to mourn. I looked out the window and caught a glimpse of myself and cringed. My once blown out hair was now in a big culy afro falling down my back and in my eyes, the make up I once wore was running down my face. But to be completely honest what I looked like was in no comparison to what the boys were feeling, so now I feel bad for putting my appearance infront of their emotions. Im such a selfish idiot.

As we got closer to the house, an idea popped into my head.

"Um, hey guys I know this is a tough time for you I was just thinking that we all need eachother and I was wondering how you would feel if we all had a sleep over in Jay and I's room. Its better to be together than sit in a room by yourself" I said this hoping and praying they'd say yes.

I remember when mom left I just wanted to be with my dad, so we could support eachother. Instead he locked himself in his room for weeks and drowned his sorrows with alchohol when he finally came out he was different. The coward of a man beat me till he saw blood.

I just shivered remebering and almost feeling the pain that I used to experience on a daily basis.

"Thats a good idea Lani, we'll all be at you and Jays room at 10:45" Gio said solemnly, looking at his watch.

We got to the house and everyone dispersed into different directions.

Jay and I jumped out of our shoes and raced up stairs. Getting everything for the boys. I firstly went to the grandparents room to see if they wanted to join us. Seeing as they weren't in the same limo as us.

"Oh no, bambina you children have fun. It's a really good idea, its a nice way to keep the boys together whilst also getting their mind off today" grandma as she said I shoild call her said.

I left their room and went back to mine. Jay was cleaning up, she'd changed out of her clothes and was now in a onesie while I stood dripping in my dress. There was no time for me to change. The clock read 10:00 so I just decided to go and get snacks from downstairs, while jay selected films for us to watch on Netflix.

I decided to bake up something to go with all the snacks that we had. Which where: oreos, Doritos, chocolate, sweet poratoe chips and guacamole, cookie dough ice cream,sweeties and of course some soda and my favourite, Ribena.

I whipped up some brownies and placed them in the oven. I grabbed the snacks in my hand and walked upstairs not wanting to fall. I knocked on the door with my foot not able to open it , jay opened it and I walked in.

"you need a little help there?" She asked and I nodded, then the peanut head, picked out a little packet of sweets from the pile and dropped it in the middle of the floor. She laughed and ran off out of the room. She is so immature, but thats why I love her.

I dropped the sweets , in the pile in the middle of the room and looked at the time 10:30, I went back downstairs and pulled the brownies out of the oven, I cut them into squares and sprinkled icing sugar over them , then placed them on a tray and took them upstairs. I placed them on a table and grabbed my clothes taking a quick shower. I pulled on my monkey onesie and my house slippers.

I stepped out of the bathroom to see everyone seated already eating food. My head turned to the clock 10:55.

"Lani did you make these brownies?" Jay asked me and I responded with a 'yeah'

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