chapter 9 - part 1

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I walk up to the building that scares me more than hell. school . I've been away for a week, enjoying my half term holidays. The boys and I went to the cinema, hung out and ate , for most of the holiday.  I offered to cook seeing as all they ate was junkfood but, they said no that I had to rest. We're going shopping for some new clothes this weekend. We didn't do it during the holiday , I couldn't be surrounded by a lot of people seeing as I could risk getting hit in my stomach.  I've never been the one to need nice clothes but, I have always wanted to look less like a tramp.

I got out of the car,  with Marco and we started walking towards the entrance.

"Go in without me, I need to go and sort out some things I'll meet you by your locker" Marco said I nodded and began walking by myself.  As so  as Marco left my side, I felt a lot less safer than before. I stepped inside and started making my way towards my locker. While I was waiting for Marco at my locker,  I pulled out the iphone that Marco gave me and started texting the boys; They told me to keep them posted on how I was feeling, I haven't told them about the bullying yet and I don't think I will for a while after seeing what they did to My father.

I was in a group chat with them, I loved these boys like they were my own brothers,  Gio had just told a funny joke and I smiled, trying to hold in a laugh,  when my phone was snatched out of my hand.

" hey umpa lumpa, you feeling better.  I heard that you were admitted into hospital. We decided to throw you a welcome back party,  because we all felt really concerned and wanted you to get better"   Amber said with her voice oozing sarcasm.

" We all know you're Marco's hoe, you dirty little slut. You were probably thrown into a clinic not hospital,  what STD have you got. Ew people make space, you don't want to catch her nasty diseases.  Like oh my gosh you actually repulse me, When you walk it's like your fat jiggles.  Like WTF are you made of jelly or something" She said getting up into my face.

I was about to walk out of the little circle that always seemed to form around me but, Amber grabbed a massive chunk of my hair and yanked me back around.  Well that hurt like a mo fo but, I'm not going to cry.

She pushed me down onto the floor and slapped me.

'Do not cry lani you have felt worst pain' I thought to myself.

She bent down to my level and spoke to me with so much hate in her  voice. 

"I detest you, you are a disgusting thing, you should not be able to be happy, I won't let you feel happy. I can't let you feel happy. You will suffer and I will make sure of it.  Ha who would even bother texting you, you don't deserve such a good phone, you don't deserve anything good" She said taking my phone placing it on the floor and stepping on it.

'I will not cry'  I told myself again. 

One of her minions then came to me searched me of the little money I had, then stomped her foot on my ankle and I yelped out in pain.  They left and before Amber went she spoke .

" If you tell anyone, you're as good as dead " She said to me.

"And that goes for the rest of you as well"  she said to the crowd that quickly dispersed. 

I got up,  cleaned up the little pieces that remained of my phone and limped to the bathroom , As I was about to get there the bell rang and everyone scattered. I got in there and it was vacant, not a soul in there. I threw some water on my face and sat on the toilet seat.

" I will not cry" I said quietly sobbing to myself. 

" Who the hell is in here" I heard a strong female voice say.

"it's no one" I said, then mentally kicked myself. If here wasn't anyone here there would have been silence in response to that question but, me and my stupid self just had to answer.

"Come out now, or I'll find you and kill you" The voice said, very seriously. 

I came out to see no one. I was about to walk back into the stall thinking it was my crazy head messing with me when, a girl appeared out of the corner of the bathroom. 

She was really pretty: She was black; she had her hair in braids with blue streaks in it half up, half down ;She had  a nose piercing and lip ring. Dark winged eye liner painted onto her eye lids; A leather vest matched together with a long white t shirt that went down to her knees; Leather trousers and some black on black converse. She looked like a bad ass and I couldn't afford getting beat up twice today.

" Listen, I'll leave. Just please don't hurt me. I'm tired of people hurting me"  I said saying the last part more to myself than her.

" What makes you think I'm going to hurt you, I might be a good guy, What's your name?" She said her voice still strong and powerful.

" Wella you did say that if I didn't come out, you'd kill me, oh and my name is Alani but most people call me Lani, What's your name? "  I said, if talking to her stops me from getting beaten up then let it be.

"My name is Janice but you can call me Jay and I like the name Alani. I'm gonna call you Al, just to be different.  So Al why were you crying and I I've got to say I've been going to this school since freshman year , I'm a senior now and I've never seen you around" Jay said.

"I don't know why either I'm always in school an-" I got cut off by Jay.

"Ah, I know why you and I haven't crossed paths I only come to school for two days a week" She said .

" Why do you only come for two days a week"  I asked.

" I'm supposed to come for five like everyone else but, two is my favourite number so I decided to go for two days. My dad couldn't care less if I was here or at home. Lazy bum" She said, saying the 'Lazy bum'  bit to herself, I still heard though.

"Listen yeah Al, meet me in the cafeteria at lunch and we'll talk"  Jay said just as the bell for second period sounded and I made my way there.


Hey guys new upload. This is part 1 and I'm hoping to get part 2 out sometime next week,  so I decided to give Lani a friend. Tell me what you think of Jay so far.  And where  the hell was Marco when Lani was getting beaten to  pulp. Questions! Oooooooh kill em Jay with your style that I must say is on point. Remember to vote, comment and read.

I love you guys so much, even the girls that you see dancing and your like lord please take me now. Girls in the nightclub (I've seen on tv, seeing as I'm way too young to get into a night club)  be dancing thinking their the next Beyonce, Shakira, Ciara cross breed. These girls are dancing and people think their having some sort of attack.  They think thier so nice just because  a nasty greasy man is grinding up on them. No!  he is , either stealing your Nandos card, a Kfc voucher or wants to steal and destroy the tests that Maury did to prove he was the father. Even though you annoy the hell out of me , I still love you ( dramatic echoing)

quote of the week " Everyday in life is a new beginning" 

keep your head up high guys. Spread the reading love .

love you guys

~ Sarah xoxo

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