Chapter 15

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It's monday morning and I haven't really talked to any of the boys, to be honest I feel really bad about how I reacted on Saturday but I couldn't help it I was scared and quite shocked about the whole situation. I just needed sometime by myself to think things over, which resulted in me locked up in my room for the whole of sunday and the boys continuously knocking on my door, They really do care, but I keep asking myself why do they care? Why am I so different to any other girl out there ? What did they see in me?

Getting off my bed I make my way to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Once I'm done I go over to my newly stocked wardrobe to find an outfit. I decided on my acid wash jeans from topshop, black doc martens, a grey v neck and a thin knit sweater. it's a lot warmer in new york seeing as it is may now but I'm just not feeling bright colours and you will not catch me in sandels whether I'm skinny or fat because I absolutely detest toes. Their just disgusting.

I then applied a cote of mascara and some vaseline on my lips and that was my make up. I'm not a big make up girl. Finally I undid the bantu knots in my hair and slowly separated them putting a part on the right hand side so some of it fell on my face.

Once I finished I stood back and looked at myself in the mirror, well atleast I don't look like a tramp for once in my life, on that note I grabbed my new backpack and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

I could heard a lot of talking and when I walked in they all went silent, watching my every move. I got a bowl, milk and some cereal poured everthing into it's respected place and found a seat by Chlarisa and Gio.

At this point in time I was starting to get anlittle freaked out so I thought I might aswell dissolve the tension in the air.

Taking a deep breath I spoke
" look guys I'm really sorry for my reaction on Saturday I was just a little shaken up about what happened, I needed a little time to myself to think about everything and I realise now that I acted like a complete douchebag to all of you and that I ahould have known something like this would have happened seeing as it is your life and I'm really sorry" I looked at them and Gio then spoke

" Lani we're not going to hold it against you, obviously anyone would be shaken up by waht happened, but what you need to understand is that we would never let anyone hurt you , we will protect you with our own lives because your a very special person, your kind, loving and don't deserve the life you have had . Always remember that because it came straight from the heart and I dont like all that emotional crap so don't expect a sentence like that from me or anyone of us anytime soon"

"aww Gio, I will remember, so do the rest of you guys forgive me ?" I asked them and they all said yes.

"you ready to leave?" Marco asked me and I nodded , I grabbed my bag gave seb, jacob and jeremiah a hug goodbye, Chlarisa a kiss on the forehead and the twins and I did our normal routine.

Then I followed Marco to the car and off we went.

" You remember the first day I met you?" Marco asked me and I nodded it's a day I kinda would like to forget it wasn't one of my happiest days but Chlarisa did brighten it up.

"yh I remember you weren't the most welcoming of people" I said raising my eyebrow at him.

"oh right sorry about that, Chlarisa was being a pain in the butt" he said scratching the back of his head, aww cute.

"well that's not what I want to ask you about, why were you crying"

wow wasn't really expecting that question, he waited five months to ask me this question.

"well I was crying because of life, just the fact that I was a human target for everyone to throw their horrible words at. The music I was listening to didn't help much, Emily Sande read all about it, yeah I could have chosen a happier song couldn't I" I said trying to laugh it off but remembering what happened that night shook me up pretty bad I got a pretty bad beating from father. I don't like thinking about him these days because he brings up so much unwanted emotions.

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