Chapter 3: My Partner, My Friend

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"You know," Naruto said striding next to Kakashi with his hands in his pockets. "You could have said hi."

Kakashi looked up from his orange book and regarded the teen lazily. "Hi."

"Hn. Good enough." He looked up at the clouds. "So, what happened while I was Fishcake?"


"Same thing."

"Well, nothing really. You lived by yourself and wore orange,"

Naruto grimaced. "So I was told."

"And made yourself a genin."

"Oh, and I'm on your team, why?"

Kakashi put a hand on his chest in mock hurt. "What, you don't want me to be your sensei?"

Naruto rose a black eyebrow. "You know very well some of the jutsus that you use are mine. That's the only reason why you're still alive."

"Maa. Maa." Kakashi waved him off and Naruto growled before shaking his head.

"We're here." Sasuke spoke up in a flat voice.

"Mm." Naruto hummed in acknowledgement and walked inside. Everyone made room for him to walk, not because he was 'demon spawn', almost like royalty. "Hello, subjects! The awesome me is back!" He scratched his head. "Almost."

Kakashi slung an arm over the teen's shoulder and gave an eye smile. "Maa. We really must be going. The Hokage sent for us, you know."

"Oh, yes!" The lady at the desk immediately let the teachers and students pass.

"HEY, OLD MAN!" 'Naruto' kicked the door open ignoring everyone inside who stared at him in shock. "You have five seconds to explain before I go nuclear."

"Very well." Sarutobi spoke as if this happened everyday. "I actually only needed Naruto, Kakashi, and Gai."

"YOSH!" The window shattered and a green blur flew in. "YOU HAVE CALLED, MY YOUTHFUL HOKAGE?!" Gai turned as he heard a groan.

Naruto's eyes widdened and he quickly hid behind Kakashi ignoring his classmates who laughed at him. "Don't let him see me!" He whispered harshly.

"Yes, I only need to discuss some matters with you three. You all are dismissed." Hiruzen said kindly.

"We'll wait outside." Kurenai said gestured at Asuma and then the door.

"Okay!" Naruto waved.

"Right," The Sandaime took a drag from his pipe. "I understand that the chunin exams are coming up."

"Yes, old man." Naruto sighed. "Stop stalling and get on with it!"

"Calm down." Kakashi said looking up from his little orange book. "He's getting there."

"Yeah, and if he keeps talking like this, we'll be done when I'm twenty five!" Naruto huffed but motioned for Sarutobi, who was watching in amusement, to continue.

"Before the chunin exams start, I will be sending you on a mission to Suna to discuss some matters with the Kazekage."

"Us three?" Gai asked gesturing to the two next to him and himself.

"Yes, is that a problem?" Hiruzen asked.

"Problem?" Naruto raised an eyebrow. "No, there isn't a problem except that KAKASHI AND GAI ARE ON MY TEAM!"

Kakashi chuckled. "Maa, it's not that bad. Just like old times."

"Ugh, don't remind me. I just convinced Sasuke and Shikamaru to say I'm only two years older! I'm not old!"

Both Gai and Kakashi patted his shoulders. "It's okay. That's what we all say. It happens."

"Shut it!" Naruto brushed him off. "I have one seal left. One to go." He glared at them, partially with amusement and partially...not. "One to go before I beat you guys into the ground!" He cackled evily. "Just like old times!"

Sorry, it's short. I'm running out of ideas :I

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