Chapter 22: Shikamaru Is A Drama Queen (But we already knew that)

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This chapter is dedicated to Hero_Crafter for reminding me about some stuff about this story. Thank you so much! ❤️🌊

I made the picture above, just sayin'. Also, I may say things that sound rude on my author notes but always know that I love you guys. ❤️🍰

Prompts are welcome.

--Team Free Will 🌯🍡🍰🍧

Shikamaru yawned as he walked down the shopping district of Konoha, his mother's grocery list clutched tightly in his hand. Man, did she have to wake him at seven just for -he paused in his thoughts to look down at the paper- milk, eggs, and butter? Apparently so.

He was just at the beginning of the district, having only just begun his adventure, when he heard the familiar voice.

"SHIKA-CHAN!" Yuki practically (actually, he did) tackled the Nara, grinning from ear-to-ear, "I missed you!"

"You saw me two days ago," Shikamaru grunted under the weight of the jounin.

"Yeah, but that was forever ago!" The raven-blonde rolled off of the brunette, lying on the ground next to him, "So, how are ya? Everything still as troublesome as last time?"

"No, it just got even more troublesome when I ran into you while grocery shopping."

"But you're shopping no- Hey, that's mean," Yuki pouted before grinning. "So, what are you buying today?"

"Milk, eggs, and butter," The Nara answered, sitting up and looking around. No one even glanced their way despite a Clan Heir practically being attacked on the street.

"Stop being dramatic," Yuki flicked the brunette's nose while rolling his eyes. "I didn't attack you."

"What, so, now you can read minds?" Shikamaru snorted. Yuki just gave him a smile and stood up, offering his hand.

"Come on now. We're wasting daylight. How much money do you have?"

"Um, more than enough to buy three things of groceries."

"Awesome, let's go. There's some things I've been meaning to buy for a while."

'Sorry, Kaa-san,' Shikamaru thought as he was dragged to a store. 'I've been taken by the Devil.'

"Shikamaru," Yuki said with an exasperated tone. "Drama Queen!"


And so, Shikamaru was dragged from shop to shop, picking up small things that Yuki seemed to like. At one point, the two were even walking around with dango, they received from a villager, just enjoying the cool air and small chatter people made with each other.

"Does it ever bother you?" Shikamaru looked over at his companion, who arched an eyebrow at him.

"Does what bother me?"

"The stares," The Nara gestured to a group of villagers who were looking at the raven-blonde in awe. "I mean, before, they used to just glare at you but now they look at you like you're a god on earth."

"I'm no god," Yuki said with a tight smile, a strange emotion playing on his face. "Maybe before they bothered me but no, not anymore. I've grown used to it, I suppose. I wasn't aware you noticed."

Shikamaru snorted, shaking his head, "Of course I've noticed. I saw you walk down the street as 'Naruto' and have rude names thrown at you. Now, people are coming up to you and handing you food and gifts -like now."

(Discontinued until further notice) Naruto: The Truth Beneath the SurfaceWhere stories live. Discover now