Chapter 54: Just Smile

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Hello! I have returned with another chapter! Now, you may have noticed but the battles in the third part of the Chunin Exams will be a bit out of order. The same people will still be going against each other, I won't be changing that, but their battle tactics may be a bit different.

Anyways, you've waited long enough. Please enjoy the next chapter and tell me what you thought!

-- Yuki :)


Naruto hummed as he watched the battle happening in front of him. Kankuro was going against someone from Sound, and the Jounin in disguise couldn't help but feel bored. He understood that the Hokage wanted him to be a part of the Chunin Exams as a way to test the kids, and he thought it would be fun in the beginning. Now, Naruto found it tedious and just a plain waste of his time. He could be using his chakra for something that would actually benefit Konoha instead of wasting it to make his village look better than the others.

He had Kurama with him, he already knew he was better than them. That wasn't him bragging, although there was a part of him that felt a rush of glee with the power. It was simply fact. At the moment, he held the most powerful tailed beast inside of him. It had taken many lives, including his mother and his father, to stop Kurama's unwilling rampage. He didn't blame the fox, not one bit. Maybe he should have, and he did at first, but now? Now, he was just tired of feeling all the pain and suffering, and remembering the heartache that came with never knowing a family.

It was easier to just smile anyway.

"Wow," He said to himself, shaking his head, because his thoughts turned depressing real fast. He let his eyes flicker to where Kakashi sat and felt himself smile, his posture immediately calming. His boyfriend never failed to remind him of what he had to work to keep. It was always a refreshing reminder.

"Um, Yu- Naruto-san?"

Naruto turned to see Sakura standing nervously behind him, the girl messing with the ends of her hair in nerves. "What?"

"Can I speak to you in private?" Her face was turning red a bit as some people focused on their conversation.

The Jounin in disguise nodded, motioning for her to lead the way. He snarled at people, baring his fangs at anyone that dared tried to follow, and felt an air of satisfaction when he saw their fear. So what if he was protective of his team? He wasn't ashamed of that fact, not anymore.

"Is something wrong?" Naruto asked as he released his transformation jutsu, rolling his shoulders. "Do I need to kill someone?"

"No, no," Sakura shook her head, holding up her hands as if she could stop him, and couldn't help but picture her sensei going on a rampage. "I just- It keeps getting in my way and I wanted to keep it, I worked so hard on it but... Its just been weighing me down..."

Yuki held up a finger, "Wait, what are we talking about? What's weighing you down?"

The pinkette sighed, "My hair. My hair's weighing me down."

"Oh," He put his hand down. "You... Want to cut it?"

"No," She shook her head. "I want you to cut it."

Yuki blinked, "Say what?"

Sakura held up a kunai, using her other hand to sweep her pink locks over her shoulder. "Please?"

The Jounin took the knife, sighing softly, "Alright, let's go in one of the rooms and wet your hair. Kurenai told me that it hurts if your hair is dry."

"Okay," She nodded, turning on the shower head so she could duck her head under the water, while Yuki grabbed a chair and a towel and set it up in the bathroom.

(Discontinued until further notice) Naruto: The Truth Beneath the SurfaceWhere stories live. Discover now