Chapter 43: "I Wasn't Planning On Killing Them!"

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This is dedicated to BrokenGirl0137

I hope you enjoy this chapter! Any ideas you have, feel free to let me know! Yushi is the ship where basically anything can happen. There's some actual plot mixed in here somewhere, I'm sure.

--Yuki 🌹


"This is do or die," Yuki looked at the genin gathered in front of him, blue eyes narrowed. "Kakashi and I have taken the liberty of creating this obstacle course to prepare you all for the Chunin Exams."

Said genin looked to the side with an intense sense of fear. They could only wonder how many weapons the Jounin owned and -Was that a battle axe?

"Ano..." Hinata seemed to be shaking slightly, "That doesn't- I-I don't think I can do that..."

"Why not?" Kakashi tilted his head in confusion, "What's wrong with it?"

"Everything!" Kiba's eyes were wide as he heard metal sliding together in the obstacle course, "How the hell do you expect us to go through that?"

"Oh, for the love of-" Yuki threw his hands up, rolling his eyes, "-Kakashi, go and show them how it's done."

"Sure," The Hatake made his way over to one end of the course, tilting his head at it in thought before taking off. He ducked and weaved under flying shuriken, dodging swiftly under the large battle axe that came out of fucking nowhere, and throwing his own weapons at targets occasionally. He completed the course with a smile. The Jounin walked up to Yuki, his back to the genin, and pulled down his mask to kiss him.

Sakura mourned the fact that all the sensei had to leave them alone with the secret couple. They were so obvious about it, it was a wonder how the other adults didn't know they were together.

"Amazing," Yuki smirked and the children wondered for a moment if he was talking about Kakashi's run through the course or the kiss. "Okay," He turned to the genin. "I am willing to tweek the thing a bit. What's your fucking suggestions?"

The response was instantaneous, "Get rid of the battle axe!"

Yuki pouted, "Awe, you guys are no fun!" He stomped over to the course, grumbling about 'ungrateful pieces of shits' even as he dodged his own weapons. He came back a few minutes later with the axe hefted over his shoulder and that was the scene the sensei saw when they came over.

"Please don't kill my students," Asuma sighed, handing a take-out box to Kakashi. "I don't want to explain to the Hokage why they died and stuff."

"I wasn't going to-" Yuki looked at the weapon in his hands, "I swear, for once, I wasn't planning on killing them!"

"So, you planned on murdering us before?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

The raven-blonde pointed a finger at him, "Don't test me, Uchiha. I will end you."

"I still don't know what I did!"

"Everything! Now, shut up before I-"

"Alright, no killing the children," Kakashi gave an eye-smile as he reached for the battle axe, taking it easily from his boyfriend's grasp. "You know Hokage-sama would hate the paperwork."

"True," Yuki bit his lips. "So, can I do it? I live for making his life miserable."

"Not unless you never want to eat another popsicle in your life again."

The raven-blonde sighed dramatically and flapped a hand towards Sasuke, "You can live, I guess."

The genin had foolishly thought, after seeing how Yuki interacted with Kakashi now that they were dating, that the Jounin would be a soft marshmallow and maybe he wouldn't be as terrifying to them.

They were wrong.

He's the devil.

"Thanks," The Uchiha said dryly.

Kurenai just sighed, "Are you sure this obstacle course is a good idea for them? What if they get seriously injured?"

The Kaka-Yuki Duo looked at each other and the Hatake shrugged, answering, "That sucks?"

The genin feared for their lives.


"See?" Yuki made a sweeping gesture with his arm at the exhausted children, "They're alive."

Shikamaru glared at him, wiping sweat off his brow, "I hate you so much. It was troublesome."

"Shut up, no one asked you." He snapped his fingers, "That reminds me! Ino," He turned to the blonde, who looked up in surprise. "Tell your father that I need to talk to him. It's not important but make it seem important."

She made an "okay" gesture with her hand, flopping back on the grass.

"What is it that you need from Yamanaka-sama, my youthful friend?" Gai asked, remembering to keep his voice low around the other.

Yuki gave him a wide, vicious smile, "Don't worry about it."

Kakashi looked at his boyfriend from the corner of his eye, smiling slightly, and slung an arm over his shoulders, "Please, don't get arrested again."

"Sure, sure."

"Uh," Asuma looked between the two, confusion on his face. "Are you two... I mean, are you guys... You know."

"No idea what you're saying," Kakashi ran his hand through Yuki's hair, keeping an innocent face. "Are we what?"

The genin struggled not to laugh. Their sensei could be such trolls sometimes.

"I- What- Nevermind."

"Yuki," Sasuke patted the Jounin's leg from where he was face planted in the grass. "Yuki, I'm hungryyy!"

Instead of getting mad or annoyed, like some of the people around expected, Yuki's blue eyes softened and he crouched down, ruffling his hair, "Alright, Duckling, we'll get food. You guys did great on the course, much better than I expected."

"Thanks, sensei," The genin chorused.

Yuki's eyes widened slightly, "What the fuck? I'm not your sensei, brats."

Neji lifted up his head from where he laid next to Tenten, "Yes, you are. I do not see why you are so ignorant as to not see that."

"I- You- Well, your name autocorrects to menu!"

Kakashi raised a hand before the Hyuuga could respond, Just... don't. I stopped asking a while ago."

"Shut up, Kakashi. You're sleeping on the couch tonight."

"Aww, but Yukiiii!"

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