Chapter 44: Ukki-kun!

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Dedicated to NekoRedAngel 🐱

I hope you guys like this! I wrote it while I was supposed to "socialize" - whatever that is.

--Yuki 🌹


"I don't know what to do with my life anymore," Yuki flopped down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. "There is literally nothing for me to do."

Kakashi looked over at his boyfriend, "Whatever happened to Ukki-kun?"

"Ukki... OH, MY KAMI, UKKI!" The Jounin shunshined from his spot suddenly and without warning.

The Hatake looked down at the leaves left behind for a moment, "Hmm, I wonder where these come from..." He hummed quietly to himself as he attempted to make an origami crane and was just about finished (he was strangely proficient at it) when Yuki came back.

"Oh, hey- What the hell?" Kakashi's crane fell to his lap as he took in the sight of the other Jounin.

Yuki held three flower pots in his arms, with Ukki-kin on his head -surprisingly still alive. He gracefully maneuvered over to the kitchen table, placing the pots down gently, "Turns out I had more plants then I thought." He whipped around, startling his boyfriend a bit, "But that's not it! Kakashi, I found a secret door!"

"What?" Kakashi absentmindedly made his crane flap its wings, looking over at the raven-blonde, "Where?"

The Namikaze made a flapping motion with one hand to his left, "By my old apartment, 'bout 100ft away."

"How'd you notice it if you were getting plants? You were only gone for two minutes."

"I'm perceptive, Hatake. Gosh."

"Right. My mistake," Kakashi rolled his eyes and stood up. "Alright, lets go check out the secret room."


"It's fucking locked!" Surprisingly, it was Kakashi who shouted it, throwing his hands in the air, "What is even in this room?!"

"We could always just break in," Yuki shrugged, knocking lightly on the door like he was considering tearing it down right there.

"What if there's seals protecting it?"

"Very true. Let's go ask Jii-san for the key." Yuki spun on his heel, grabbing Kakashi by his hand before the Jounin could attack the lock.


"Secret room?" Hiruzen smiled amusedly, "I don't believe I know what you're talking about."

"Come on, grandpa," Yuki tapped his foot. "I gotta know what's in there. I've been living near it for a long ass time and I've only just now noticed it. To say I'm curious is an understatement."

Sarutobi was quiet for a moment, tilting his head a bit, before he opened a drawer, pulling out a key, "Very well. There is also a jutsu you must use. Kakashi-San?"

The Hatake nodded, pulling up his headband, and copied it, "Thank you, Hokage-sama." He grabbed the key and steered his boyfriend out of there.


"You fucking liar! The jutsu didn't open the damn door!" Yuki slammed open the office door, ignoring Shikaku and Hisashi, who jumped slightly in surprise. They were supposed to be in a private meeting.

Hiruzen smiled in amusement, too used to it to be fazed, "Did you try checking for seals?"

Yuki blinked before letting out a screech that sounded vaguely like a pterodactyl searching for food, "Fucking seals!"

The two Jounin in the room watched him leave before turning to the Hokage. Shikaku sighed, "What is worked up over now?"

"A secret room."

"Ah. Troublesome."


"Hmm," Yuki stood in front of the door, a few feet back, just staring at the area. He tilted his head before sighing and walking along the edge by the door. After a couple minutes of just walking the length of the area, he turned to Kakashi, who looked annoyed, "No seals except," He bent down, plucking up a piece of paper and crushing it in his hand. "This one."

"You have to stop doing that," The Hatake growled. "You're not sending chakra in the ground. You're literally just walking around and hoping you don't blow up."

The raven-blonde shrugged, "Sometimes, it's hard to control my chakra. So, I just walk and let Kurama protect me."

"You're an idiot." You're an idiot.

"You and Kyuu are so mean to me," Yuki huffed, opening a seal on his wrist and catching a popsicle.

"If we are, it's because we love you."

The Jounin's eyes widened a bit and he gave a small smile, "Right. Well," He backed up a couple steps, waving to the door. "You can do the jutsu no- Asuma?"

Kakashi turned around to see the Jounin sensei behind them, the genin close by. "What're you guys doing here?"

"We saw you guys and thought we'd say hi," Kurenai smiled, brushing some of her hair back.

Yuki blinked at her before his eyes narrowed, "You're up to something." He gasped, "No. Please don't tell me it's that time."

"Yup. You already missed years and years, Yuki. We have to make this Thanksgiving perfect for you."

"But I told you guys," He looked a little helpless as he waved his hands. "You don't have to do that. I've never- I don't need a Thanksgiving dinner."

"Thanksgiving is for family," Tenten said, stepping forward.

"A-and we're family, Yuki," Hinata poked her fingers together, smiling shyly.

Yuki scowled but his cheeks were dusted a light pink. He pointed at the group "Fine. I like potatoes." He turned to Kakashi, "Open the stupid door. I'm tired of waiting."

Kakashi smiled at his boyfriend and he didn't care that the other Jounin were there. He turned his back to the genin and pulled his mask down, kissing his boyfriend sweetly, "You'll have the best Thanksgiving."

"Wait, hold on," Asuma gaped at them. "What?"

"YOSH!" The Jounin jumped at the loud voice. Holy crap, he was so silent! "IT APPEARS THAT MY YOUTHFUL RIVAL HAS FINALLY SUCCESSFULLY WOOED KĒKI!"

Yuki mouthed the word 'wooed' while Kakashi just smiled at his friends before turning back to the door. He did the jutsu and it swung open, creaking slightly.

Everyone gasped, "What the hell..."

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