Chapter 8: Falling

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"I need a mission," Yuki spoke as he ate his popsicle, "Going to Suna was nice and all, don't get me wrong, but," He shook his head and sand fell to the grassy floor. "I took three showers, Kakashi. Three. Let's go someplace else. Somewhere with water."

"Well, I don't know about water," Kakashi said, holding his book as he and his partner walked behind Sasuke and Sakura. "But I'm sure Hokage-sama will give us an interesting D-rank mission."

"Enough with D-ranks!" Yuki shouted, sounding very much like Naruto. "Jiijii knows that we're ready for a C-rank!"

"Calm down, Naruto," Sakura scolded lightly.

Yuki looked at her in surprise before remembering that Sakura didn't know his name. He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head, "Sorry, Sakura-chan..."


"JIIJII!" Yuki kicked open the door and stormed inside, followed slowly by Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura, who looked embarrassed to be with him. "We're here for a mission!"

"Well," Hiruzen straightened some papers calmly, as if this happened everyday, and smiled at the raven-blonde. "We have some D-rank missions. There's weeding a garden, helping clean out an attic, catching Tora-"

"NO!" Yuki shouted with wide eyes before clearing his throat, "No, thank you, Hokage-sama." He winced when he felt his head pound, "I think that we're ready for a C-rank-" another wince, "Mission."

"Are you alright, Yuki-kun?" Hiruzen's brow crinkled with concern.

Yuki nodded, "I'm alright. However, as I said, I do believe that Team Seven is ready for a C-rank mission."

"Reasons?" The Sandaime asked, folding his hands.

"Our team work isn't well, considering my previous predicament, and I do not believe more D-rank missions will help. Sakura Haruno is still in her fangirl stage and does not taking being a ninja seriously. Sasuke Uchiha has a superiority complex, believing that the Uchiha clan is above everyone. Going on a C-rank mission will show Sakura the real world and Sasuke that there is people more powerful than him outside of the village," Yuki blinked at the Hokage with emotionless eyes, "That is all."

More like next to him, Sarutobi thought, referring to what Yuki had said about Sasuke, before nodding, "I see your point."

Kakashi jolted in his spot. Yuki! That was the Yuki that he knew; straight forward and blunt, not even bothering to sugarcoat his words even as he spoke about his teammates. He was confused, however. I thought his personality was cut off... Suddenly, it made sense to the Hatake. That's why Yuki's in pain!

Kakashi stepped forward silently, placing a hand on Yuki's shoulder, "I'll take it from here." He spoke up towards the Hokage, "What is the mission?"

"You are to escort Tazuna-san, a bridge builder, back to Wave and protect him as he finishes the bridge. Tazuna-san?" He motioned for someone to come inside.

"These are who 're supposed to be protecting me?" A voice slurred. It was a man with short, almost spiky, brown hair and he had a cloth tied around his head. He wore a vest and other stuff and, fuck, Yuki really wasn't in the mood to describe another guy's clothes. "All I see is a emo kid, a pink blob, and... actually that kid looks pretty cool," He looked at Yuki. "Is your hair natural?"

Yuki raised a perfect eyebrow at the man and replied in a calm voice, "Indeed it is, Tazuna-san."

"Cool," Tazuna nodded before turning to their Hokage (Yuki narrating his own life because he's bored). "They're children, Sandaime-sama."

"Weeeelllll," Yuki started and actually squeaked when Kakashi elbowed him in the stomach and fell to the floor. "Kids..." Yuki ground out, "Kids..."

"I'm a jounin," Kakashi gave an eye smile, flowers floating around him as he repeatedly stomped on the downed Yuki. "You won't have to worry while I'm around."

No one was listening to the Hatake. They were all staring at Yuki who was bloody and twitching, eyes wide. "Is he..." Sakura started, gulping slightly, "Is he okay?"

"Probably?" Kakashi poked the raven-blond with the tip of his shoe, causing the man to twitch, "Maa, he'll be fine when he has a popsicle."

"I have one here," Sarutobi opened a drawer and pulled out an orange popsicle. "Here..."

"NO!" Kakashi shouted but Yuki already had it and all he could do was watch in horror.

Yuki jumped up, eyes filled with anger as flames flared behind him, "YOU FUCKER!"

"No cursing!" Sakura kicked Yuki in between his legs.

"Fuck berries!" Yuki squeaked, crumbling to the floor again.

"Gather your things and meet by the gate at eight!" Kakashi said cheerfully, shushining away.

Sasuke could only blink at the whole scene.

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