Chapter 25: Thank Kami I like To Run

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Yuki looked ready to snap, right then and there. How did Kakashi know, you may ask. Well, it was simple. Yuki had these little 'warnings' before he caused any physical abuse to anyone.

The first one was when he went still. You may never have noticed before but Yuki was always moving. He could be eating (which was often) or he could be just moving his fingers. It wasn't big but Yuki had ADHD, so Kakashi knew the first warning by just observing.

The second was when his jaw would clench, like he's physically holding himself back from chewing the person's head off. Kakashi knew this warning clear as day because, yeah alright, he liked to watch his partner's face. It was a nice face.

The third warning was when he'd roll his right shoulder back. It may seem like nothing but when he did that, it usually meant that soon that limb would lash out, grabbing onto the person's neck or punching said person in the face.

The fourth, and last, warning was when he'd make a fist after rolling his shoulder. By then, either the person was already bleeding on the ground or Kakashi was holding him back, whispering soothing words in his ear to get him to calm down. It always seemed to work.

Right now, Yuki was faced with a group of drunk villagers, who seemed to like the idea of yelling at the raven-blonde's face and throwing things at him.

This time, though... There were no warnings because the man in front of the blue-eyed ninja said the wrong thing. He said the thing that made Yuki snap, eyes flashing red and arm lashing out to pick the man up by his neck and slam his head on the ground. The crack resounded through the air and everyone went quiet.

"Why don't you go hide away with your Hatake slut like you always do?"

"Any of you guys want to fucking try that again?" Yuki snarled, looking at all of them, "Come on, I dare you."

Then, one villager threw a bottle at the raven-blonde, letting it shatter against the ninja's back, "Go back to Hell, you piece of demon shit!"

Maybe Kakashi should have some warnings too because soon he found the villager bloody in his hands, pleading mercy from him, "No. You lost that chance when you pissed Yuki off. You see, I can let you go but you wouldn't even have the chance to run because Yuki would be after you before you could even get both feet on the ground."

The rest of the villagers tried to run but soon found Asuma and Gai blocking their exit. Both had their arms crossed and their expressions were dark as they knocked the people back. When the group tried the other way, Kurenai was there, all pissed and hands already in a sign for a genjutsu. All she had to do was wait for Yuki's word.

It was no secret that Asuma, Gai, and Kurenai were fond of Yuki. If villagers attacked him, Jounin status or not, those motherfuckers were going to Hell.

Yuki was crouched on the ground, two villagers laying next to him with a pool of blood under him. His eyes snapped up the the Jounin and he took a small breath before standing, eyes turning back to cerulean. He waved the woman off, "It's alright. I've already gotten the one I wanted."

Kurenai made a disgusted face at the villagers but nodded and put her hands down, "You got lucky today. Come near him again and I will have your heads."


"I told you before," Yuki started when he and Kakashi walked back into their apartment. He leaned against the door, looking at the Hatake with a sad expression, "It's too dangerous to be around me. I could kill you at any moment. I told you to stay away from me."

"No, you can't," Kakashi said in a cheerful tone, sitting on the arm of the couch.


"You can't kill me at any moment," The Hatake walked up, standing in front of his partner. "Right now, I can slap you and you wouldn't even take one step forward," Kakashi smiled and held his arms out to the ninja. "Stop calling yourself dangerous. Stop pushing me away. Stop running from me because you know I'll never stop chasing."

Yuki was silent for a moment before he took one step forward and melted in the ninja's arms, "I don't think I'll ever be able to stop running."

"Well," Kakashi snorted, holding Yuki closer, "Thank Kami I like to run."

"Yeah," Yuki buried his face in the crook of the Hatake's neck. "Thank Kami for that."


This chapter may or may not have made sense but I wanted you guys to see why Yuki is the way he is; friendly but distant, only opening up to certain people.

I hope y'all enjoyed this and I do accept prompts. You can tell me here or message me what you want for an upcoming chapter. I will try to work what you've suggested into the story line the best I can.

--Team Free Will

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