Chapter 14: Like Men In Tights

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"Okay, Shorties," Yuki waved his hands in a 'come here' gesture. "Come hither."

Sasuke and Sakura looked at each other before shuffling towards the raven-blonde, "What is it?"

"Before I say anything, let's wait for your sensei who'll find that, if he wants his previous Icha Icha to be safe, he'll hurry his ass up."

There was a shout of, "How-" before Kakashi used his crutches to get to his partner as fast as possible. "I'm here! I'm here!"

"Good," Yuki nodded before sitting on the floor criss-crossed. "Kakashi and I have found out that Zabuza Mimochi is alive."

"What?" Sakura gasped, putting a hand over her mouth, while Sasuke's eyes widdened a bit, "But how? He was stabbed through the neck!"

"Senbon," Yuki pulled one out of his hip pouch, holding it up for the genin to see. "Is like acupuncture. It can do some damage but, if you stab it in the right spot," He pointed to his neck. "You can fake your own death. Zabuza was placed in a death-like state by that fake hunter nin and, in a week's time, he should be up and about for round two."

"What do we do?" Sasuke asked, leaning forward a bit.

"We train," Kakashi answered, nodding his head.

"And then we fight," Yuki said the next words in a serious voice. "Like men in tights." He coughed in his hand when the three just stared at him, Kakashi probably thinking of Gai judging by the horror on his face, "But, seriously, we fight. We fight like we never have before because our lives do depend on it."

"So, in an hour, we're going to head to a small clearing so I can teach you some chakra control," Kakashi gave an 'oof' sound when his partner elbowed his side. "So we can teach you chakra control."

"Well," Yuki stood up, brushing his pants off. "Sasuke, come with me so I can check your bandages. Sakura, gather some food and drinks for everyone. Kakashi, help her."

"Right," Sakura and Kakashi nodded (the jounin feeling a little weird following his orders).

"I'm fine," Sasuke spoke as he and Yuki walked to a different room.

Yuki said nothing, poking the Uchiha's side gently and watching him wince. He opened the door and walked to a small gray duffle bag, opening it and getting out a roll of fresh bandages, "Sit on the bed and take off your shirt."

Sasuke did as told, wincing when he lifted his arms over his head. He watched as Yuki slowly peeled away the wrap, careful with the tender skin. He hissed when the raven-blonde applied disinfectant, groaning out some curses.

"Don't be mean," Yuki huffed, clicking his tongue. His replaced the bandages with new ones when he was done and helped the genin put back on his shirt, "Make sure to take it easy while training or I'll beat your ass."

"No you won't," Sasuke smirked. At Yuki's glare, he added, "But I'll be careful."

"Good. Let's go downstairs. I think Kakashi and Sakura are done."



"Lazy ass," Yuki grumbled, hands in his pockets, as he watched the two genin make their way up the trees, Sasuke struggling while Sakura zipped right on up. "Oi, Kaka-baka, I'm going to borrow Sakura-chan for some different training," He said to his partner before calling the pinkette down.

"What is it, Naruto?" Sakura asked, looking up at the raven-blonde slightly.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, call me Yuki. I just thought I'd teach you Water Walking since you seem to be a natural at Tree Climbing," He said with a wave of his hand.

"Really?!" Sakura clasped her hands together in excitement, "Thanks, Yuki-san!"

Yuki smirked when he felt Sasuke's jealous glare as he led the girl out, calling behind him, "If you get to the top of the tree, Teme, then maybe I'll teach you."


When the sun was almost down, Yuki walked into the clearing once more with Sakura passed out over his shoulder. He went over to Sasuke, who was out like a light on the ground, and nudged him with his boot, "Oi, Bitch, get up. I told you to take it easy."

"Jerk," Sasuke mumbled before struggling to his feet, stumbling slightly. "I'm fine, see?"

"Ah, Hell," Yuki said under his breath when the Uchiha fainted (like a princess) and caught him with his free arm, hauling him over his other shoulder. "Damn, your heavy. What are the villagers feeding you, rocks? Fattin' you up like a freakin' turkey."

He started the walk back towards the house, inwardly cursing Kakashi for leaving him with the brats, "I am going to kill him. Maybe I'll chop off his balls..."


In the house, Kakashi shuddered and subconsciously used his Icha Icha to cover his family jewels. And crossed his legs. He flinched when the door slammed open and Yuki stood there, eyes dark as he glared at him, with his two students slung over his shoulders.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't cut off your dick right here and now," Yuki growled, closing the door with his foot and placing the kids on the dining chairs. "And make it a good one."

"I, uh," Kakashi looked around before suddenly getting an idea. "I got you popsicles!" At Yuki's arched brow, he added, "They're in the freezer. I got that orange kind that you like."

Yuki stared at the jounin for a second before stalking towards the fridge and peering inside the freezer, "...You're forgiven."

Kakashi sighed with relief and nearly screamed when a kunai landed between his legs, very close to his little buddy.

"But if you do that again..." Yuki chuckled darkly, walking up and ripping the weapon out of the floor. He looked into Kakashi's gray eye, leaning in close to whisper, "Next time I won't be so lenient." He leaned back, smiling brightly, "Are we clear?"

Kakashi nodded frantically, crossing his legs with his hands over them, "Crystal."

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