Chapter 23: Glendale's Always Watching

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Dedicated to katCat141516 I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I've enjoyed making it. Updates for this story will be fast because I really really love how Yuki turned out.

Speaking of Yuki.

I just want to say how proud I am that my OC, Yukimoto (Yuki), has become someone y'all enjoy. I admit, at the beginning, I was a little scared that he wouldn't connect with y'all and you'd hate my story. I'm happy to know that I was wrong.

In any case, please enjoy the chapter and tell me what you think. Prompts are welcome.

By the way, you like my bear at the top? I call him Jerry. Say 'hi' to Jerry!


Kakashi Hatake was sleeping on the couch in his apartment, orange book resting on his face. His arms were crossed and his legs rested on the coffee table and he totally missed Yuki sneaking right past him with the world's largest axe.

The jounin only woke up when the other ninja casually walked straight into the doorframe to the kitchen.

"Son of a bitch!" Yuki rubbed his forehead before glancing over at Kakashi, as if just remembering the man was asleep. He looked at the axe in his hand and quickly attempted to hide it behind his back, having the decency to look sheepish, "Uh, hi."

"Hi," Kakashi got up from the couch and walked past him. He stopped for only a split second to look at the weapon before snorting and continuing on to make something to eat, "Do I even want to ask?"

"Probably not. Do we have anymore of that ramen from Yoshino?"

"Mmm, no. You ate it all last night, remember?" Kakashi made a small sound when he pulled out a box of cereal from the fridge, looking at it with a confused expression before promptly putting it back and closing the fridge and grabbing a bagel. "We're out of milk."

"Dang it, and I went shopping yesterday too!"

"Is that why there's that creepy china doll by the door?"

"Her name's Glendale and she keeps away intruders."

"She sure is freaky enough."

"I know, right," Yuki grinned, leaning over and taking a bite of Kakashi's bagel right out of his hand. He laughed when the silver-haired ninja made a small noise of protest. "But I think we should put seals around the place."

"Why haven't we before?" Kakashi wondered, leaning back when Yuki went for another bite.

"Uh, because... I don't know. I guess we were just too lazy."

"You mean, you were too lazy. I only know so much about seals. You're the one that knows everything in the world."

"I think you're over-exaggerating. I don't know everything in the world," Yuki rolled his eyes.

"But you can read minds."

"I can't read minds."

"Bull. What number am I thinking of?"

"You're not thinking of a number. You're trying to decided if you want grape jelly on your bagel or strawberry. I say go for grape."

Kakashi looked at his bagel, chewing slowly, and back at Yuki, "And you say you're not a mind reader." He opened the pantry in search for the jelly, "Hey, it's not here."

"It's in the coat closet."

"Why is the jelly in the coat closet?"

"'Cause I was having some toast when the teriyaki delivery guy came and you know I don't like talking to people so I stepped inside the coat closet."

"Ah," Kakashi nodded, padding over to the closet and grabbing the jelly before walking back. "Did you ever get your teriyaki?"

"Yeah, after chucking the yen out the window and yelling for him to toss it up."

"People are going to start thinking you're antisocial."

"I am antisocial."

"But you talk to me."

"We're both antisocial. Together. We're antisocial together."

"Mm," Kakashi nodded in agreement to that, grabbing a butter knife. "So," He gestured to the giant axe leaning against the counter top. "Why do you have that out?"

"I'm going to kill some kids," Yuki shrugged. When Kakashi arched a brow at him, he explained, "They kept knocking on the door and running away."

"Ah," Kakashi nodded, slightly wondering how he missed that. "Just show them Glendale and they won't come back."

"I should. Just, leave it in front of the door with a note that says: 'Look into my eyes and die'."

"That'll work," Kakashi held out half of his bagel and Yuki promptly ate it right there. He grabbed the axe, hefting it up and looking at it, "Can't have you using this. Hokage-sama's already watching you after that prank you pulled on the ANBU. Makes me glad I went back to being a jounin when I did. You dyed their masks pink."

"It wasn't that bad," Yuki grinned. "He doesn't have proof it was me anyway."

"I don't know how, you dyed them while they were wearing them."

"It's called sneaking. You should try it some time."

"I do. Remember the genin test?"

"Ugh, don't remind me. You totally cheated," Yuki pointed at his partner. "I don't know how, but you did."

Kakashi just laughed before looking around, "You ever notice this is how we spend our mornings?"

"I think we need a hobby."

"Like what? I read my books."

"That's not a hobby, though. That's just a sure fire way of getting the living shit beat out of you by every woman in Konoha."

"Mm," Kakashi nodded in agreement, accepting that. "Then, what do we do?"

"Uh, gardening? The Yamanaka's have that flower shop. I'm sure they can give us some tips."

"Yeah, but all you do is water the plant and sit. We need something time consuming."

"We can knit," Yuki offered, shrugging.

"That's a terrible idea."

"So, we're doing it?"

"...Hell yeah."

And so, that's how two jounin ended up walking down the street with arms full of yarn and knitting supplies.

"There's more stuff needed than I thought," Yuki commented, scrunching up his nose when a string brushed under it.

"Yeah, I guess it's not as easy as it looks," Kakashi looked at his partner in amusement when he sneezed. "You okay there? Need me to hold your yarn?"

"I think I'm perfectly fine holding my orange yarn, thank you very much. I'm an independent woman!"

"Don't get all sassy on me, Yukimoto."

"Oh, you did not just use my full name, Kakashi Hatake."

"I just did. What'cha gonna do about it, girlfriend?"

"Okay, no, we need to stop this before people think we're having an identity crisis," Yuki snorted, walking faster away from an elderly couple. A group of girls near them whispered something that sounded kind of like 'Yushi'.

"Why don't we just shunshine back to the apartment?" Kakashi suggested, looking at the other from around the pile of yarn.

"Because you abuse that too much," Yuki answered. "Come on, move it."

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