OMAKE: Yukimoto and the Cookies

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Here's a little something to tide you guys over until the actual update. I've had people saying that they miss Yuki and, unfortunately,  it's not time for him to return just yet. So, I posted this omake (a short story that doesn't entirely pertain the the storyline) for you guys! I hope you enjoy this!

This was inspired because people kept asking about Yuki, Hinata, and the cookies.

Dedicated to INSFIREsMAnYEAh! I hope you like this little diamond of awesome!

Lots of love,

--Yuki :D

P.S: The song is called Love Me by 1975


"Hi, Yuki-san!"

The Jounin stopped walking and a strained smile made it's way on his face. This was the seventh villager to call out to him and he was beginning to get pissed off. He had just came home from a three day mission, only able to sleep one hour out of those three days, and all he wanted to do was sleep in his bed cuddled with his boyfriend. "Hello," He said shortly, turning slowly.

The villager didn't seem to notice how tired the other looked, didn't seem to notice the bags under his eyes, and didn't seem to notice the killer intent slowly leaking out of his controlled facade. That or they didn't care. "Would you like to come over to my place for a party? My wife has many friends, maybe you could find yourself a girlfriend."

Yuki didn't even bother hiding the sigh. There were these villagers who believed that Yuki and Kakashi shouldn't be together. They had bigoted views that people should be with the opposite sex and that same-sex relationships weren't real and "just a phase." "I don't need a girlfriend," He said for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Nonsense!" The man, Gerald, grinned with crooked teeth, "I can use my charm and be your wingman!"

"Stewart," The raven-blonde said with a barely controlled voice. He knew that wasn't the man's name but he could honestly care less. "You've about got as much charm as a dead slug."

Gerald's smile dropped a bit, "Now, that's not nice."

"I'm not here to be nice, Stewart. I'm here to see my boyfriend and, maybe, take a nap for a few hours. I don't have time to talk to bigoted pieces of shit who think their crooked teeth and fish eyes are going to get me a girlfriend I don't need."

"Now, hold on there," Gerald's grin morphed into an angry frown. "I don't think I deserve this shit from yo-"

"Gerald." Specks of red marred the blue of Yuki's eyes as he bared his fangs as he spoke, "If you don't move out of my way in the next three seconds, I will rip your arms from your body and shove it so far up your-"


The Jounin turned slowly to see Hinata Hyuuga standing there with a red face, her expression horrified as she realized that she had just raised her voice in public. "What?"

"Y-you can't speak like that here," She poked her fingers together nervously. "There a-are children pr-present."

Yuki's eyes scanned the area before he looked at Gerald, who appeared offended and scandalized. "I'll deal with you later," He growled threateningly and was internally satisfied when the man paled dramatically.

The Hyuuga grabbed the jinchuriki's wrist with a shaky hand, "K-Kakashi-san is teaching his t-team but my team is e-eating cookies right n-now if you want s-some."

The Jounin's eyes widened in happiness, "I would love cookies."

"G-great!" She led him to where her team was and none of them seemed surprised to see the Jounin there. They simply put cookies aside in a pile for him and Akamaru ran up to the Jounin, using his own body as a small pillow for the man.

After eating a few cookies, not even a few minutes later, Yuki was asleep curled on his side and breathing softly as his hair fanned around him. His hands were pressed to his chest, almost like he was keeping something precious close to himself, and he seemed content to lay on the grass like there was no care in the world.

"You did good," Kurenai smiled at Hinata, who blushed at the praise. "It was a good idea bringing him here. Who knows what a sleep-deprived Yuki would have done on the streets. I'll go get Kakashi and tell him he's here."

Hinata looked at Yuki and gave a sad smile. She heard what the villager said and she wished that people could just accept the Kaka-Yuki duo as the adorable couple that they were. She sighed quietly and ran a hand through the Jounin's hair, knowing that this was probably the only time she could do it without the man commenting on it. His hair was soft and she knew he wouldn't be rude to her about her touching his hair, he was nicer than people thought, but she didn't want to risk the possibility of being embarrassed.

"Hey, Hinata-san," Kakashi walked up to the girl and didn't comment when the girl squeaked and jumped in surprise. He saw what she was doing and thought it was cute, but the look from Kurenai stopped him from saying anything about it. He knew the Hyuuga was shy and would probably run if he did open his mouth about the subject.

"H-Hello, Kakashi-san," She bowed her head in greeting before poking her fingers together.

"Thank you for watching over Yuki. I'll take him home now. He's been on a long mission."

"O-Okay. Um-" Her face turned red but she looked up at the silver-haired Jounin with as much determination as she could muster, "I-If Yuki-san wants t-to have more cookies, I-I can make some for h-him..."

Kakashi gave her an eye-smile and, though she could barely see it, he also gave her a genuine smile from under his mask, "I think he'd really like that. I'll tell him after he wakes up." 

Hinata watched as he knelt down and gently picked up his boyfriend without waking him. When he stood, he let Yuki's head rest against his collar bone as he held him close. They were honestly the cutest couple ever. 

For a brief second, she watched as Yuki opened his eyes and gave her a soft smile, saying, "Thanks for the cookies, Hinata-chan..."

And, without stuttering, she said, "You're welcome, Yuki-san. Anything for you."

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