Chapter 34: My Angel Has a Little Bit of Hell in Him

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This chapter is dedicated to shiro1sora! I hope you like this chapter! It actually took me a bit of time to watch for some reason. Hm. Anyways, enjoy.


"I can't find a costume," Kurenai sighed, replacing an ugly brown shirt back on the clothing rack. She continued on, watching as everyone found what they wanted in the massive store, and pushed shirts after shirts to the side. The only ones who weren't ready yet was Kakashi and Yuki. Kakashi was talking with Kuroki while Yuki was watching her curiously, head tilted, "What?"

"I don't understand," He trained his eyes on the clothes in front of her, pulling up his legs from where he sat on the floor. "If you want to be a pirate, why are you looking at the troll section?"

Kurenai stopped, looking over at the sign for the clothes, and huffed, "I'm not good at this whole costume shopping."

"I've noticed." Yuki was suddenly behind her, his back gently brushing against hers as he looked through another set of shirts, "Here, wear this and this and this." He handed her different things; a vest, white undershirt, leather cuffs, a chain or two, a cloth belt, dark brown leather pants, and black boots.

"This is..."

"If you're scared Asuma won't like this, don't be. He likes you how you are. You don't need to make yourself look good for him for Halloween. It's Halloween. Have some fun."

"Then you have to as well."

"Yeah, whatever. I always do. You know that."

"You mean with Kakashi."

"Yeah." He smiled wistfully, looking to the side to watch as Ino and Sakura dragged Kakashi off to another section of the shop, Tenten trailing slowly behind, "I do. Now, go get changed. I need to see if I picked the right shades for a pirate lady."

"Hai, hai."


"Kurenai?" Yuki knocked gently on the dressing room door, eyebrows furrowed together, "Are you done?"


Yuki opened the door, slipping in soundlessly, and looked at the woman standing in front of the body-length mirror, "What's wrong? You're upset."

"I'm not upset."

"Your foot is doing it's 3-2-3 tap. Your upset. What's on your mind?"

"You already know what I'm thinking."

"That's true but I want to hear you say it. What's wrong?" He sat on the bench in the dressing room, waiting patiently as she seemed to get her bearings.

"I-I don't think I can do this."

"Trick or treating or the pirate costume?"

"Both, I guess. What if he doesn't like it? What if he thinks I look weird?"

"If it helps, Asuma and Gai are being Yakuza gang members for today."

It did because Kurenai could feel a smile make it's way on her face. She looked at Yuki through the mirror, who was studying her with a blank expression. He still wasn't dressed yet; either he didn't know what he was going to be or he was waiting until everyone was dressed. Knowing him, it was the latter.

"Stop thinking about me and my costume for a second. You're still worried about something. Is it because you don't know what to do with the chains and your hair?"

"Uh, yeah," Kurenai ran a hand through her hair nervously, letting it fall over her shoulder.

"Mm, easy fix."

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