Chapter 46: Dattebayo

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Author understands that adding Small Dragon in was a risky move.

Author doesn't care.

-- Yuki 🍒


Sasuke woke up when it felt like his chest was on fire to see Yang sitting on him and eating one of his tomatoes. He wasn't sure how the dragon got in or how she even opened his fridge but that was his kami damned tomato!

The small dragon chirped when she saw his eyes open and swallowed the food whole, as if knowing he would try and swipe it. She bounced up a couple times, knocking the air out of him, before zooming off the bed and running in a circle.

"Why are you following me?" The Uchiha groaned, throwing off his covers, "Why can't you bother Yuki and Kakashi?"

Yang just chirped again, head-butting his leg before taking off out of the room. She came back a second later with a paper between her teeth, climbing up Sasuke's leg and around his shoulder before depositing it on his arm in a slobbery mess.

"Thanks..." He picked it up with one hand, frowning at it, and tried to read the words, "'Sasuke, watch Yang while I go beat some people up -Yuki.'" He turned his head to the dragon, who was swishing her tail happily in the air like a dog, "Alright then, Yang, what do you wanna do? Are you hungry still?"

Yang made a tiny squeak of happiness, nuzzling the side of the Uchiha's head, and Sasuke took that as a yes. "Okay," He nodded. "Have you ever tried peanut butter?"


Yuki walked up to the Hokage's door silently, contemplating going inside. The old man said he had a mission for him, a job with his old ANBU team, but it was probably one of the most dangerous so far. If he was being honest, he wasn't sure if he should take it. If it was dangerous, what if he never came back home?

The Jounin sighed and knocked on the door, coming in and sitting down at the chair a little away from the Hokage, "We waiting for the team?"

Sarutobi nodded, not saying a word. If he could choose anyone else for the mission he would. But he couldn't because Yuki, although he was an ex-ANBU, was one of the more powerful ninja in the village. He would have chosen Kakashi as well, by Kami those two work together as if they were one, but he has genin to teach.

"It's fine, grandpa," Yuki tilted his head at the door. "The ANBU are here. Let's get this thing rolling."


Kakashi sighed silently to himself as he walked to Training Ground 7. He was so used to Yuki walking next to him, pushing him forward so they could get there a bit on time. Now, it was just like before when he didn't know where his best friend (and now boyfriend) was or if he was even alive.

"Kakashi-san," Kurenai walked next to the Jounin, her genins having a day off. "Are you okay?"

The Hatake looked over at the woman, "Yeah, Yuki's on a mission right now. The Hokage asked for him specifically."

"Oh, I heard about that," Asuma caught up to them. "The Hokage seemed pretty worked up about it. I think Yuki and his old ANBU team are being sent out somewhere for recon mission."

"His old ANBU team?" Kakashi turned to him, "Are you sure he said that?"

"Yeah, pretty sure."

"Why does that matter?" Kurenai asked.

"Oh, I keep forgetting you weren't a Jounin when Yuki was ANBU," Kakashi said. "Yuki and his team were, like, the best of the best. Everyone looked up to them, wanted to be them. They're assassins, more so than how you think a ninja is. They dispersed after the Hokage thought they weren't needed anymore."

"Until today," Asuma breathed, looking like his mind was blown and the ground was swiped from under his feet. "This is surreal..."

"You're saying..." Kurenai shook her head slowly, eyes wide. "That Yuki... Yuki is a like an assassin?"

"Not like," Kakashi said softly. "He was trained since he was little specifically for these missions. The mission in Wave and even some of the D-ranks really threw him for a loop."

"Well, he'll be fine," Asuma clapped his hands once. "I mean, it's Yuki we're talking about. Let's go and get some food and plan how we're going to train the genin tomorrow."



It all happened so fast, Kakashi didn't know how to breathe anymore. His chest hurt and his stomach was all knotted up and he was vaguely aware that he had fallen to his knees in the living room. Something was wrong, he could feel it, and he didn't want to believe what it could possibly be.

There was banging at the door; Asuma ran in, "Kakashi-"

"Yuki," He gasped, standing up and grasping the Jounin's arm. "What happened to Yuki?"

"He's in the hospital but Kakashi- Dammit, Kakashi, you can't go over there!"

"Why the hell not?!" The Hatake growled, pushing past him.

Asuma grabbed his bicep, "The mission- it was a trap, one set specifically for Yuki. It- They weren't prepared for it and Yuki went down. They said it was Orochimaru. He did something to Yuki and- Dammit, Kakashi, the seal was activated."

"Which seal?" The silver-haired Jounin demanded.

"The one above his collar bone. Kakashi, when we got to him, the seal fizzled and disappeared. There's- I don't think there's anything we can do."

Kakashi took off before Asuma could stop him and was soon at the hospital. He ran to the front counter, "Yukimoto Uzumaki's room, please!"

The woman gave him a pitying look, "305. The nurse up there will let you in. I'm sorry, Kakashi..."

The Hatake didn't respond, taking the stairs two at a time, and found himself at the room. The nurse slowly opened the door for him, whispering her own apologies, and Kakashi wished they would just shut the fuck up already. He looked into the room and gasped.

Naruto sat on the hospital bed, bandages wrapped around his head and torso, picking at a torn orange jumpsuit. He perked up when he heard the door open and gave a blinding smile, "Kakashi-sensei! Are you here to get me out? They said I need to rest more for some reason but I feel fine, dattebayo!"

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