Chapter 53: I Believe You

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This is dedicated to @HalluvicSenpai

This chapter was actually supposed to be posted two weeks ago but Wattpad decided to be a dick and not let me update any of my stories. THEN my WiFi acted up and was a poop head.



— Yuki :D 😉


Their match started and Kiba was frozen in place. He couldn't help the slight trembling going through his body and, when he looked down, he knew Akamaru was just as scared.

Naruto observed the boy calmly, his hands linked behind his head as he sighed occasionally. "Are we going to start?" His eyes gleamed dangerously, "Oh, Kiba, you're not scared, are you?"

Kiba scowled and brought his hands up for a jutsu. Taking a deep breath, he shouted, "I'M FUCKING TERRIFIED!"

The audience went silent at the honest admission, the other villages wondering how strong the blonde was to provoke that kind of reaction from someone.

"It's okay, Kiba," Ino said. "We believe in you." When she saw the gleam in the Uzumaki's eyes, she shouted, "You got five minutes!"

"Are you saying that the dog boy can take that blonde down in five minutes?" A boy from another village asked the Yamanaka.

"Nope," She smiled brightly. "I'm saying that Kiba will only last five minutes." She tilted her head and added almost as an after thought, "If he's lucky."

"Kiba, Kiba, Kiba," Naruto started to slowly circle the genin, smirking sharply. "Are you going to run away? Surrender?"

Even though the Inuzuka was scared, he still glared at the blonde, "Hell no! Let's go, Akamaru!" He tossed his dog a red soldier pill and put his hands up for a jutsu.

The Jounin in disguise smiled slowly, eyes gleaming, "That's more like it."


"Well," Naruto stared down at Kiba's unconscious body. "That was anticlimactic."

The audience was silent, jaws slack as they looked at the destruction around them, "What... just happened? Didn't the match just start?!"

The blonde turned to the proctor, smiling innocently, "I think the match is over, don't you think?"

Hayate looked at him with wide eyes, 'He's ruthless...' He coughed into his fist before announcing, "Winner: Naruto Uzumaki!"

"That was nice," Naruto nodded once before picking Kiba up and throwing him onto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "I'll take him to the medic now. I wonder who's next. Probably Sasuke. Oh, maybe Shikamaru! Here you go!" He tossed Kiba at the medics, who scrambled to catch him before he hit the ground.

"Nice job," Kakashi said when the Uzumaki sat next to him. "Quick and efficient."

Naruto shrugged, "Just because I look like a child doesn't mean I'm gonna fight like one."

The Konoha genin looked like they wanted to say something but decided against it, leaving the two alone. They didn't think arguing with Yuki was smart, especially when the Jounin was annoyed that he had to be disguised as a genin.

Kakashi nodded, "Makes sense. How long do you think this match would last?" He gestured to the kids from another village battling.

Naruto tilted his head, training his cerulean eyes on the two, "About fifteen minutes. Why?" When the Hatake tilted his head towards the doors, the Uzumaki practically sprinted towards them, letting his henge disappear as he passed it.

Yuki laughed as he was dragged into an empty room and put his arms on his boyfriend's shoulders, using one hand to pull down the Hatake's mask as the silver haired man stared at him, "Are you going to kiss me or what?"

Kakashi didn't respond, instead pulling his boyfriend close, kissing him softly. He ran a hand through the raven-blonde locks, smiling against Yuki's lips when the man moaned quietly. He let his hands wander, one pulling at the other's hair while the other went under his boyfriend's shirt, brushing his torso with feather-light touches.

Yuki leaned into Kakashi and let his hands run across the edge of his boyfriend's pants. He looked up at the silver-haired Jounin with an eyebrow raised, smirking, "I think the kids will be fine if we miss the next match, don't you?"

Kakashi mirrored his smirk, leaning forward until their lips were less than an inch apart, "They'll live."

When their sensei didn't come back after half an hour, Team 7 turned to the rest of the Konoha genin and held out their hands.

"Troublesome," Shikamaru sighed, handing Sasuke a 1000 yen bill (approximately $10). "I thought they'd be more mature."

"Please," Sakura rolled her eyes, collecting money from Team Gai. "Our sensei are rarely mature."

"But-" Ino sighed, handing her yen to Sasuke, "I guess you're right."

"I feel insulted," Kakashi stood behind the genin, a cheerful aura around him. "What're we talking about?"

"You and Yuki's lack of maturity," Sasuke deadpanned at the two jounin, Yuki now Naruto again.

"That-" Naruto started before closing his mouth and nodding, "No, yeah, that's fair. Anyways, what're we doing for the holidays?"

"Are we not going to talk about the battle happening?" Tenten gestured down at the genin fighting.

"Nah, I don't care," The blonde waved her off. "What're we doing for Thanksgiving? I remember something about potatoes."

"We- We were thinking a-about having a b-big feast with all of u-us," Hinata spoke up, fiddling with the ends of her sleeves. "I- I mean if t-that's okay with y-you..."

Kakashi and Naruto shared a look before the Uzumaki nodded, "Yeah, that sounds fun. Kakashi and I can make some pie or something. That is what people have on Thanksgiving, right?"

Kakashi rolled his eye, "Don't act like you don't know. You ate almost all of the pies we had the last Thanksgiving we spent together."

"That was, like, five ever ago," Naruto crossed his arms, looking away from the Hatake. "I barely remember it."

"Riiight," Kakashi nodded. "I believe you."

"I have never heard so much sarcasm in three words," Choji whispered, gaining a few nods from the other genin.

"Can you all shut up?" Temari growled at them, one hand on her fan that was leaning next to her.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at her, "Excuse me? I don't think I heard you correctly. What did you just say to me?"

The girl's eyes widened a bit and she hastily corrected herself, "I was just wondering if you all would be quiet please because we're trying to focus on the match."

"That's what I thought," He muttered. Naruto beamed at her, "Of course we can! Sorry for disturbing you and your siblings' weird plotting."

She nodded jerkily, "R-right, it's okay."

(Discontinued until further notice) Naruto: The Truth Beneath the SurfaceWhere stories live. Discover now