Chapter 26: Pinkie Promise

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When he fell and skinned his knee, she'd be there when he cried, pulling him close to her. She'd run her hand through his dark hair, whispering soothing words, and his father would pull them both in a hug just because he loved them all that much.

And then Yuki would wake up with tears streaming down his face because he's alone. He was always alone and none of that was real despite how much he desperately needed it to be.

Now, Yuki was twenty-one, sitting wide awake in his room because it was October ninth and tomorrow was his birthday and he couldn't sleep. He got up out of bed, the warm covers dropping to the floor, and he made his way to the kitchen. He decided against changing because he was comfy and Kakashi wasn't even awake. He was fine in his dark gray tank top and black boxers. He was even wearing his fuzzy orange socks too.

He sighed, sitting on one of the kitchen counters with his silver mug in hand, sipping the warm milk. Maybe it would sooth his nerves and put him in a deep sleep where he wouldn't have to remember that dream. Somehow, he knew that would never be. He tried everything but nothing worked. It felt to Yuki that something was missing, keeping him wide awake when all he wanted to do was fall into a blissful sleep.


The raven-blonde jolted out of his thoughts at the tired voice and looked up to see Kakashi at the doorway to the hall, looking at him with concern, "Kashi, what are you doing up?"

The Hatake shrugged, looking perplexed, "I don't know... It felt like you needed me..." He looked up into Yuki's deep blue eyes, "Do you need me?"

Yuki let out a shaky breath and placed down his mug, sliding off the counter. He didn't say a word, just walked over and pulled the silver-haired Jounin in a hug.

Kakashi made a small noise of surprised but hugged him back, running one of his hands gently through the black and blonde locks. He still, after years of knowing the Jounin, marveled at how the hair color, all of it, was natural. "What's keeping you up?"

"Just dreams," Yuki said in a quiet voice, leaning his forehead on the Hatake's shoulder. "It's okay. They really only come around this time..."

"Because of your birthday?" Kakashi asked softly and felt Yuki nod. "Let's go back to your room, okay? We can just sit and talk until either one of us fall asleep."

"M'kay," Yuki nodded and allowed himself to be led to his bedroom. Kakashi sat down on his queen-sized bed and the raven-blonde cuddled to his side, pulling his silver covers off the floor, completely missing Kakashi's red face. "Thanks, Kashi, for doing this. I know you'd rather be sleeping..."

"I'd sacrifice all of my sleep if it means you're alright," Kakashi confessed without really thinking.

Yuki's face went blank and the blue of his eyes swirled with his thoughts before they widened. He threw his arm around the Hatake's stomach, burrowing his face in the crook of his neck, "You're the best. I wouldn't trade you for anything, even if I was offered all of the popsicles in the world."

To others, that wouldn't seem like much but to Kakashi, that meant everything. Yuki was fiercely protective over his popsicles (but always gave Kakashi the grape ones since they were the Hatake's favorite) and if he denied them for Kakashi, that must mean he's something special and Kakashi liked feeling special.

"Try and get some sleep," The Jounin whispered, running his hand through Yuki's soft locks. "I'll be here when you wake up. I promise."

"Pinkie promise?" Yuki looked up at him with wide eyes, looking so innocent as he held up his pinkie.

"Pinkie promise," Kakashi smiled, lacing his with Yuki's.


Yuki had a smile on his face that morning because he was twenty-two, had the best sleep ever, and, best of all, he woke up to Kakashi running his fingers through his hair- which was Yuki's favorite thing of all. He didn't know when the Hatake developed that habit but he wasn't complaining. No sir-y. Not one bit.

Kakashi and Yuki were pattering around the kitchen, wordlessly handing each other the ingredients for breakfast that they needed before they even asked. The raven-blonde tilted his head when Kakashi tapped his shoulder and turned, only to go cross-eyed when the Jounin booped him on the nose with flour.

Kakashi was laughing, pointing at Yuki, and released a startled cry when his best friend put his hand on the flour and slightly smacked his face, leaving a white hand print. "Oh, it's on," He said playfully, looking at the flour.

Yuki backed away slightly, eyes narrowing at the challenge, and inched his hand towards the bag of flour, "Bring it, Hatake."

Needless to say, the kitchen was all white when they were done. Both Kakashi and Yuki were sprawled on the floor, giggles escaping their mouths from time-to-time. They were breathing heavily, clothes half covered by the flour, and grins threatened to break their faces.

"Happy birthday, Yuki," Kakashi smiled, rolling on his side to look at his partner.

The raven-blonde looked up at the Jounin with those gorgeous blue eyes and the most beautiful smile took over his face.

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