Chapter 28: Pumpkins~!

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This chapter is dedicated to @Unlink098. I hope you enjoy this. You'll enjoy it or die. Nothing more, nothing less. Death.


Yuki, Kakashi, Kurenai, Gai, and Asuma were sitting with their genin carving pumpkins when the ANBU arrived.

Yuki was with Sasuke, directing him on how to carve it correctly, "No, don't cut it like that, you piece of crap. What kind of fucking smile is that? Your pumpkin looks fucking constipated!"

Kurenai was helping Hinata take out the seeds, making sure the pumpkin had a smooth bottom for the candle. Kiba and Shino sat close by, the Inuzuka occasionally making snide comments about the Aburame's pumpkin. "Why does it have sunglasses?" "So it doesn't have to see your shit face."

"Oo, get him, Shino!" Yuki had to high-five him there.

"Yuki, you're a bad influence on my students!" Kurenai screamed, wide-eyed.

"Or, maybe they just want to be like their idol!"

Kakashi was helping Sakura, gesturing vaguely to the best places to cut, "Just... Right there." "Right here?" "No, left of that."

Shikamaru looked ready to pass out on the pumpkin seeds, a nice and perfect sleeping pumpkin next to him. Choji was next to him, tongue sticking out of his mouth as he focused on his task. Ino's pumpkin had hearts for eyes while Asuma's had a cigarette. "Asuma-sensei, that's not appropriate or children." "Who said kids were going to see this?"

Lee and Gai's pumpkins looked like each other. Yuki took the liberty of moving them far away from everyone. They would definitely scare people, that's for sure. "YOSH! IF I CAN'T GUT THIS PUMPKIN IN ONE MINUTE, I WILL DO ONE THOUSAND SIT UPS!" "THAT'S THE SPIRIT, LEE!"

Tenten's pumpkin had kunai and shruiken here and there with a small smiley face, like it was cute but deadly. "Should I give it a katana? Hello? Hello? Neji, are you ignoring me?"

Neji actually did a howling wolf with a fox below it. He walked over and gave it to Yuki, who beamed, "This is amazing! Is it for me?" "Yes. While I did not enjoy the job you sent me on...much, I am honored to be called one of your favorites." "Word."

"Yuki-san," Cat shunshined into the clearing, looking at the Jounin.

"What do you want?" Yuki asked in annoyance, gesturing for Sasuke to continue his pumpkin.

"Hokage-sama wishes to speak to you," the ANBU brushed off the other's cold attitude, far too used to it to be affected.

"Oh, yay!" Yuki squealed, jumping up. He ran around, only stopping to give everyone a quick hug, before disappearing.


"Yuki-san..." Sarutobi pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache begin to blossom, "Can you explain to me why the Hokage Tower is covered in toilet paper?"

"Huh, yeah, I did noticed that," Yuki nodded, picking off a piece hanging from the Sandaime's desk. "Interesting decorating choice, Hokage-sama."

"I know it was you, Yuki-san," Sarutobi sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Or, at least, you made Neji Hyuuga do it."

"Mm," Yuki nodded, not even denying it. "Yes, Hokage-sama," A devilish smirk crossed his face. "And it's only just the beginning. Ja ne!" He dived out a window an ANBU opened, the ninja already knowing the raven-blonde's habits.


"Neji, you're amazing!" Yuki tackled the genin, positively beaming with happiness.

Said genin went wide-eyed as he fell backwards, lucky that the pile of pumpkin seeds were away from them. Yuki giggled as he rolled on the grass, stopping just next to Kakashi. "I can cross number seven off my list!" He told the Hatake happily, small giggles escaping his mouth.

Kakashi's eye went wide and he turned to the Hyuuga, "You TP-ed the Hokage Tower?" It was amazing how he immediately knew what number seven was. At the boy's nod, Kakashi gave a small giggle, "Sweet."

"This calls for a celebration!" Yuki went over and grabbed Hinata's hand, dragging her up and twirling her around. The girl, at first, squeaked in surprise but was laughing and dancing  with the Jounin as the man sang a song on his mind.

Soon, all of the genin and sensei were dancing with each other, Neji being forced by Tenten and Lee. Ino was dancing with Shikamaru, laughing when the Nara stumbled over his feet. She pulled Choji's hand, making both boys dance. Sasuke and Sakura were dancing with Kiba, Shino, and Hinata. Kurenai, Gai, and Asuma were dancing with their students, listening to Yuki sing.

Kakashi and Yuki were in the middle of the clearing, seeming to be in their own little world. It seemed like the raven-blonde was only singing to Kakashi despite the times he looked at the others. They were glowing with joy, just happy to be hanging out with the other. It made everyone happy to see the two having fun and showing it.

"I can't wait for Halloween," Yuki sighed when he finished singing, flopping down on the grass. "It's going to be awesome."

"You sing a lot," Sasuke commented, lying face first on the floor. "It's not bad. You have a nice voice."

"Yeah, well, singing makes me happy," Yuki leaned his head on Kakashi's shoulder. "It helps me say things I can't normally get out."

"Huh," Kakashi blinked, staring at the setting sun.

"What?" The raven-blonde looked up at the Hatake, staring at him as if it'll answer all the questions running through his mind.

"Nothing. You just gave me an idea for something."


"Pumpkins~! Pumpkins~!" Yuki walked down the street, holding his pumpkin over his head. He grinned at everyone who looked over.

Kakashi trailed slightly behind, holding a basket in his hands. Every time a villager would hand him or Yuki a gift, it'll go straight to the basket. They usually received more gifts when they walked together than alone, most villagers preferring to give them a gift to share. "Where are we putting this pumpkin?" He asked, moving to walk next to his partner.

"In front of our house," Yuki said in his 'duh' voice. "We made this together so it's going in front of our home."

'Home,' Kakashi thought, feeling warmth blossom in his chest. He loved when Yuki said that. "Yeah, definitely. Let's go home."


What's up, guys?

That was Chapter 28! Woot! I am so happy with how far this story has progressed and ope it'll go on for a while. It's all up to you guys.

The song at the top is the song Yuki was singing. It's called We're Just Kids by Dave Days. I just didn't want to put down the lyrics. So, there you go. I figured it suited everyone even though not all of them are kids.

Prompts are welcome!

Halloween is coming soon for Yuki, Kakashi, and the others! What's going to happen? Will Halloween signify the return of Konoha's Prankster King? Stay tuned!

--Team Free Will

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