Chapter 30: I'm Bored

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Dedicated to @Silver_huntress_ ! I hope you enjoy this chappy! <3

--Team Free Will


It was late at night, the wind howling all around, and lamp posts lit the empty streets. Lights flashed and dogs barked, ANBU and Jounin creating a circle around two individuals. Kakashi and Yuki held their hands up in surrender as the Hokage came into view. The raven-blonde had a foxy grin on his face, pointed teeth shown, and his eyes were alight with happiness and joy despite everything going down around him.


Yuki and Kakashi sat quietly on their couch, the Hatake quietly reading the Tale of An Utterly Gutsy Shinobi to his partner as the raven-blonde lazily twirled a spoon in his tea.

"Kashi," Yuki took a sip of his tea, continuing when the silver-haired man looked over at him. "I'm bored."

"Mm," Kakashi closed the book lightly, placing it on the coffee table, and leaned back. "What do you want to do?"

Kakashi looked around the room, taking in how much the place changed since Yuki had moved in those years ago. Before, it was bare, the two ninja only needing so much things. After they got used to each other, the apartment soon starting being filled with gifts and knickknacks they picked up on the streets. Glendale stood next to Ukki-kun on the windowsill, the plant now a healthy green. Pictures hung up around the apartment, nearly taking up every free space. They ranged from pranks pulled on the other or working on a jutsu.

The Hatake's favorite picture, however, was one with just Yuki before he disappeared, the raven-blonde leaning against the doorway and looking out in the rain with a contemplative expression. His gorgeous cerulean eyes glowed brightly in the dim light and his hair seemed pitch black, the blonde streaks contrasting much.

Yuki followed his gaze and a small smile made it's way to his face. His favorite picture was a simple one but rarely one people other than him and Kakashi would see. Kakashi was standing in front of the stove, spatula in one hand and a cook book in the other. His eyebrows were creased together and his mouth under the mask was set in a frown. It was the Hatake's first time cooking and the pan was on fire.

"I wish Halloween would just come already!" Yuki whined, throwing his legs over Kakashi's lap and flailing his arms. "Three days! I can't wait that long to play a prank!"

"No one said you had to wait that long," Kakashi commented, watching as his partner shuffled around until his back was resting snugly against his shoulder and his knees were drawn to his chest. "Seriously, sit still. You're making me uncomfortable."

Yuki looked up at him with wide blue eyes. the color locking the Hatake in place, and he spoke two simple words that had Kakashi tongue tied, "Am I?"

"Uh, um... N-No."

"Good," Yuki moved once more, positioning himself under Kakashi's arm, letting the limb lay over his chest.

'Kami,' Kakashi thought as he looked down at his partner's peaceful face, thankful even more now for his mask. 'He's going to be the end of me one day.' "How about we do what we did yesterday?" He suggested, desperate to rid himself of his thoughts.

"But I thought you said we'd get arrested," Yuki frowned.

"It's like you said to me once, 'You're never truly living unless you have some risky decisions to make'."

"That was when we were being attacked by enemy ninja," The raven-blonde pointed out but there was an amused smirk playing on his lips.

"I still think the words fit in this scenario."

"Alright then, Hot Shot. You got your mask ready?"



Whispers started up, some ranging from: "There they are again!" "Am I hallucinating now?" "Are those... ANBU?"

Many civilians had to run to the sides of the streets as a shopping cart zoomed past, the Fox ANBU sitting inside while Wolf hung onto the back. The two cackled as they went and, at one point, they even played a game of Rock Paper Scissors, not even watching where they were going. They made random stops, TP-ing a shop, dousing someone in water balloons, and covering another person in whipped cream.

The two ninja wore black cloaks with hoods, hiding who they actually were, and they continued to prank people. The ramen shop was suddenly closed when Teuchi saw a shopping cart slowly creaking towards his place. The other shop owners didn't take the hint and their places were covered in whipped cream, paint, ketchup, and doodles of foxes and wolves.

"Kyahahahahaha!" Fox cackled as he and Wolf switched places while zooming down another street. The ninja elegantly moved to balance on the side of the cart with a handstand, somehow not tilting it over, while Wolf jumped inside to take his place. Now that it was dark, the two just strolled slowly down the street, their masks looking creepy to people. At one point, Fox chased down a group of children, cackling and waving a rubber axe everywhere.

The two ninja came to a halt when, at the end of the walkway, they were met by a group of ninja. Wolf went to turn around but saw the same thing. As one, the two ANBU looked up to see more ninja along the roofs.

"Well, that was fun," Fox took off the mask so it sat on top of his head, his cheeks dusted pink from happiness, and his mouth was stretched in a grin, sharp canines revealed.

Kakashi took his off to show his 'innocent' eye smile and he and Yuki raised their hands up in surrender. He smiled sheepishly at the Hokage, not looking all that apologetic.

"Hey, Old Man," Yuki chuckled, smiling innocently. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"I should be," Sarutobi grumbled. "Come on, you know the drill."

"Yeah, yeah, no missions for a week. Come on, give me a break! Halloween's in three days!"



"No. Just... No."


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