Chapter 33: Pinched My Cheeks and Called Me Sugar

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This chapter is dedicated to -Mystic-Night-! I hope you like this! Hopefully my updates come faster!


Yuki sat with Kakashi high up on the roof of a building, looking down at all the people. "Look at them," He watched as parents left out bowls of candy for children, not even willing to physically pass them out. "There's no spirit! No... This is Halloween!"

"Then we're just going to have to change that," Kakashi gave his partner an eye-smile. "Right? Hand me the fishing line."

The raven-blonde blinked before handing over something in his hands, "We starting now?"

"It's eight o'clock. Who's our first victim?"

"Miss Krimpsy."

"The old cookie lady?"


"Why her first? She gave you cookies."

"She also pinched my cheeks and called me sugar."

"Oo, ouch."


"Right," Kakashi turned his head to hide his smile, knowing Yuki could see it even with the mask. "Here goes nothing."

Miss Krimpsy was handing out cookies, pinching children's cheeks and smiling with at parents. Kakashi put chakra into the string and tugged once to see what'll happen. He watched in amusement when the cart lifted up from behind her. The children followed the movement with gaping mouths while the old lady herself was blissfully unaware. "Oh, this is awesome," He said giddily. He felt like he was back in school when he was really young and he and Asuma played pranks on the teachers just to get some fun in for the day.

"Here, try this one," Yuki took the fishing line from the Hatake, gently placing the cart back down, and handed another to his partner. He sat back, criss-crossed, content with watching Kakashi's awed face as he got to activate the ingenious pranks Yuki had set up around the village.

Kakashi's eye lit up in that light gray color that Yuki loved and the light reflected off of it, making it shine that much brighter. He could see his best friend's grin under the mask, the little tug at the edges, and it took everything Yuki had to hold back a smile of his own. He glanced down a moment, watching as Kakashi played with a string and causing a young man to run after his hat that flew off his head despite the lack of wind.

"You're not going to do anything?" Kakashi asked, looking over at Yuki after ten minutes or so. "You don't look like you're having any fun."

"I'm having plenty fun," The raven-blonde retorted, resting his cheek on the palm of his hand. Still, he looked next to them at the rows of fishing line taped to the roof and plucked one up, tugging lightly. "Oo, check this out. This one's my favorite," He gave the string a harsh tug and they both could hear the Hokage's anguished cry as his pipe flew out the window.

"That was awesome!" Kakashi laughed, holding his stomach. The line he was holding shook and people were now looking at the man's hat like it was a bat from Hell.

Yuki looked over at him, a small working it's way onto his lips, and he tapped his fingers on his newly-acquired pipe, "Come on. It's already twelve. Let's meet the kids at the tailors."

"Okay," Kakashi re-taped the fishing line, making sure it was secure. When he looked at Yuki, he had to stop himself from nearly dying as his breath caught in his throat.

Yuki had a content smile on his face as he looked at Kakashi, his elbow resting on his thigh as he leaned his cheek on his palm. His cerulean eyes shone, glittering like broken sea glass in the morning sun with sprinkles of water lying on the cracks, and he gazed at the Hatake like he hung up the sun and told the birds to chirp. His hair blew lazily in the wind, the colors changing back and forth, like it couldn't decide if it wanted to be blonde or black, and his pale skin looked flawless.

"Hello, Earth to Kakashi!"

The Hatake was broken out of his thoughts when Yuki waved his hand in his face. He was suddenly glad for his mask when his face flamed from embarrassment, "S-Sorry. Let's go."

Yuki blinked once, Kakashi picking up over the years that the gesture said 'I'm worried but I'm going to let it go for now because I understand', and nodded, "Alright."


The Rookie 11 and their sensei waited for the last two Jounin to arrive. For someone who hates when people are late, Yuki seemed to be picking up on some of Kakashi's habits. When they did walk in, everyone found that they didn't mind.

Kakashi was telling something to Yuki (probably another Halloween idea) and he made hand gestures here and there. He would occasionally laugh, brushing his arm gently with the raven-blonde's just because he could. He would glance at Yuki, smiling when the other nodded along, adding his own input sometimes. He seemed a bit out of it but the Hatake didn't worry about it since he seemed happy and content.

Yuki was listening with a small smile on his face. Actually, if they looked close enough, they thought he wasn't hear a damn word. He was looking at the Hatake like he was a gift from Kami and sometimes he would slow his walk just a bit to shift his eyes down momentarily without the other noticing. They didn't even think Yuki himself even knew what he was doing. When Kakashi's eye sparkled with happiness, a large smile would bloom on his face and his own eyes would twinkle with so much raw emotion that it was a wonder how Yuki managed to keep a straight face all the time.

Yuki's eyes cleared from whatever daze he was in the moment he could see everyone from his peripheral vision and he cleared his throat, grinning widely, "Well, look who's here! You guys ready for some Halloween fun?"

"Heck yeah!" Kiba cheered while Gai and Lee shouted about youthful things and flames of stuff. The Hyuugas were more reserved but, if you looked closely, you could tell they were excited as well. The other genin started chattering, ready to see the haunted house Yuki and Kakashi oh-so-carefully put together when they did their little disappearing act. The sensei looked dreadful but also happy, watching the kids converse.

"This is Halloween~ This is Halloween~" Yuki sang quietly to himself.


In two chapters, prepare to hardcore fangirl. Seriously. If you want more details... Wait two chapters.

Anyways! Comment want you think and any prompts. I'm really tempted to make a separate thing of Yushi where you guys can send any prompts and I make them.

Love you guys!

-- Team Free Will

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