Chapter 5: With Grace

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There was many reasons why Kakashi, Gai, and 'Naruto' were paired together by the Sandaime.

Kakashi was the ninjutsu expert, for even without his Sharigan he would be very adept in the art. He also had a somewhat of a large chakra reserve, allowing him to use multiple, and sometimes, powerful jutsu. He was very perceptive, able to see flaws in one's action despite seemingly lazy and involved in his reads.

Gai was the taijutsu specialist, able to execute deadly strikes in the span of a second. He was the faster of the three, not having to worry about slowing down for any jutsu and able to weave away from large weapons with ease. Despite his loud nature and preferred attire, Gai's spandex suit allowed him to blend perfectly with the trees around him, making him that much more deadly.

'Naruto' didn't have a preferred style. He was able to switch from ninjutsu, taijutsu, and kinjutsu with ease. While he couldn't perform any genjutsu like Kakashi, he made up for it in mastering his other skills. He didn't use a named taijutsu like Gai or the Uchihas' but his was just as deadly. He was able to bend at inhuman levels, seemingly as if he was made of liquid. His sharp mind allowed him to predict strikes, bending just out of reach and allowing him his moment to strike. With his large chakra reserves, from the Kyuubi or his lineage no one knew, he was able to spawn clones and ninjutsu as if he was a bottomless chakra pit.

Sarutobi laced his fingers, leaning his elbows on his desk just next to the large amount of paperwork. Yes, this was, perhaps, the best choice of a team. They had never failed a mission, finishing early and using the extra time for personal needs. When one teammate was injured, the other two made up for it by strengthening their attacks while protecting the one who was injured.

It was then when he heard of the Uzumaki's 'awakening', Sarutobi knew exactly who to send to Suna. He knew he wouldn't be let down. Not by this team.


"This way," 'Naruto' jumped out of the closest window in the kazekage's office, quickly followed by Kakashi and Gai.

Suna ninja couldn't help but marvel at the trust the three had in each other, not even questioning the raven-blond haired ninja even as he proceeded to jump out of a window. They were fast, already out of their line of sight in the next five seconds. Already, some sensei could see what they needed to work on in the academy with their students just by observing the three Konoha ninja.

"How many exactly?" Kakashi asked, easily running just behind the youngest.

"Twelve," He looked back with a blank expression, blue eyes piercing Kakashi's one. "I'll say they're expecting a ransom from Rasa." He paused for a moment in thought, "Though, after having us retrieve his daughter, he won't have to worry about that."

"You said twelve, yes?" Gai wondered from Kakashi's left. After receiving a nod, he exclaimed excitedly, "YOSH! That is wonderful! That means that there is four for each of us! This will be an extremely youthful fight!"

"Or a boring one," The one leading them deadpanned, suddenly turning sharply, running fast enough to jump and sail over Suna's gates.

His teammates didn't even bat an eye at the display, proceeding to do the same and running just behind him. "Are we close?" Kakashi wondered.

"Almost, hentai. Patience is a virtue," 'Naruto' chose that moment to do an unneeded flip, kicking his leg out to trip the silver haired male, who got a face full of sand.

"Dammit, Kēki!" Kakashi shouted, only to receive a cackle in response.

"YOSH! You should keep up, Hentai!" Gai yelled with a blinding grin as he raced passed the downed teammate.


"I know you mean love!" Was the youngest's response.


"Let my sister go!" Kankuro snarled, fighting against some enemy nins' hold on his arms.

"Well, look what you did..." A man sneered at the boy. "Now, we can force more money out of that damn Kazekage."

"Tch, you're all pathetic!" The puppet master spat, able to punch someone in the face but not break free.

"Brat!" A man, seeming to be a ninja with his hip pouch, raised a kunai to strike the boy only to have his wrist grabbed onto and broken. He cried in pain, "You bast-" The words died in his throat as he was met with piercing blue.

"There are lots of things I can tolerate," the raven-blond said in a smooth and easy voice. "But I despise anyone who attacks children." His body was relaxed and his tone never changing from ease but his eyes were a typhoon of anger. They held the ninja in place, as if they were frozen in ice.

"W-who-" The man cried out when more pressure was added on his broken limb.

"Now, now," 'Naruto' made a 'tsk tsk' noise. "Did I say you could speak?" He turned his head as three men charged him and sighed, almost in disappointment, "I guess you're my opponents... How troublesome..." In that moment, he sounded exactly like the Nara he spent time with.

"Let me go, you son of a bi-"

"Watch your mouth!" 'Naruto' snapped, kicking the ninja in the side of his face with a perfect split. He shifted, flipping on his hands so he could nail the others in the head, immediately knocking them out. He fixed the sleeve of his fancy button up shirt that the Kazekage had him change in as he spoke, "Easy."


'Naruto', or Yuki, looked over to see Kankuro grinning at him, standing next to his sister.

"Kuro-chan!" Yuki's voice was pleasant but there was that tick mark over his brow. "I'm going to kill you!

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