Chapter 10: Chit Chat

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Well, if it isn't the great Yukimoto. To what do I owe the pleasure?

Yuki looked around his mindscape. It was a fairly large bed chamber with candles lining the cream colored walls. A bed was placed in the corner; red silk sheets trimmed with gold and two white pillows lie on top. Just next to it was an oak wood nightstand; books of different literature lying on top. A dark red couch lay ten feet away facing a medium size fireplace; just a bit bigger than the nightstand. Behind it was a small dining table for two, steaming tea and cake sitting on the surface.

"Have you been enjoying your stay?" Yuki decided to ask instead, his boots clicking on the marble floor as he made his way to the table.

It's bearable. This room is fit for kings. Very fancy, Kurama answered, golden eyes taking in the sight once more.

"Then it is perfect for you. Join me for tea?" Yuki held up an empty cup with a raised brow in question.

Alright, Kurama nodded and his form shrunk, shifting and changing into a young man about the same age as Yuki. He had shoulder length red hair, which was pulled into a simply pony tail, golden eyes, and olive skin. He had on a black kimono trimmed with real gold and red flame designs licked the bottom of the garment. Brown fox ears topped his head and nine tails lashed behind him lazily.

"I still can't believe you," Yuki said once he poured the demon king's tea.

You're still not over it, are you? Kurama's tone held a trace of annoyance.

"You took away my childhood, Kurama," Yuki placed down his tea, staring the other in the eyes.

So? It was to save your life. Besides, you were the one who said it was okay to merge, The fox demon said breazily.

"I was five! Of course I would say it was okay for myself to merge with the person who saved my life!" The ninja closed his eyes briefly and opened them, speaking more calmly, "That isn't the point. During the battle with the Demon Sisters-"

Demon Brothers, Kurama corrected.

"Don't interrupt me," Yuki gave the man an annoyed look. "As I was saying, during the battle with the Demon Brothers, they used this weird claw thing as a weapon and it was poisoned. So! There may be a teensy tiny, weeee little possibility that we may die. I could be wrong though. There could be a big chance," Yuki took a sip from his cup, frowning when he realized that it was empty. "You ever notice that we drink tea that doesn't actually exist?"

You let yourself get hurt?! Kurama roared, throwing his tea cup at Yuki, who tilted his head to dodge it as he stabbed a cake with a fork. How stupid are you?!

"When you put it that way, yes, I did let myself get hurt. And then I handled the problem. Can you heal me or not?"

I can heal you, alright, but what's in it for me?

"Besides saving your ass?" Yuki tapped his chin in thought. "I'll give you two full hours of hunting time in Train Ground 44."

Deal. Now, get out of my room. I want to get some beauty sleep.

A wave of red chakra washed over Yuki and he felt himself being pushed out of his mindscape before he could take a bite of his cake.


"Kami, I hate that fox," Yuki muttered as he came to. He was still leaning on Kakashi's shoulder in the field so a short amount of time must have past.

"One minute," Kakashi answered his unasked question quietly. "The wound is all healed, no trace of the poison left. Did anything else happen?"

"Oh, you know, had tea with the most powerful bijuu and complained about life," Yuki said, accepting Kakashi's hand to be pulled up.

"So... Nothing new." Kakashi noticed his students lingering a few feet away and gave them an eye smile, "He's fine now. He just had to concentrate his chakra on the wound."

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Yuki said, whipping an orange popsicle from out of no where. "Let's go oooon!"

Kakashi rolled his eye, motioning for Tazuna to continue leading the way, "Apparently Gato has taken over Wave and Tazuna is the only one standing in his way. The man has been sending ninja after him in order to get him to stop." He looked at his partner, "But you already knew that, didn't you?"

"Of course I did. I've been - GET DOWN!" Yuki kicked Kakashi in the back, sending him crashing to the floor, and threw a rock at Sakura. She fell on top of Sasuke, bringing them both down, and Yuki dragged Tazuna to the grassy floor.

There was a whizzing sound (and Yuki snorted at his choice of words because no, someone was not peeing) and a large sword embedded itself in the tree above him, cutting some of his hair.

"Oh, no he didn't," Yuki snarled quietly, looking up.

"Well, if it isn't Copycat Kakashi," A deep voice laughed and Zabuza stood on the hilt of his sword.

"I'LL KILL YOU, ZABUZA MIMOCHI!" Yuki screamed, throwing his popsicle at the missing nin.

Zabuza growled in annoyance but, when he made eye contact with the raven-blonde, everyone could have sworn that he paled.

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