Chapter 7: The Wolf and the Fox

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Hey, guys, it's A.D, here. I'm updating now (during school ^^) and I've noticed a lot more people are liking my story! It really touched me.^^ So, because of your awesomeness, I am now adding the 7th chapter. Please, enjoy!


   "You know, if you let that melt anymore, you'll choke," Sakura commented a little shyly as she looked at Yuki.

   He was lounging on the top of the academy building, hands cushioning his head as he held a Popsicle in his mouth. His eyes were closed but he wasn't sleeping, preferring to just enjoy the gentle breeze and the warm sun rays. He opened one eye to peer at her. He made a small 'hmm' sound but, otherwise, ignored her.

   Sakura sighed, leaning back away from the edge, "Kakashi-sensei said to come to Training Ground Seven for training." She felt her eyebrow twitch when Yuki proceeded to make a fake snoring sound. "He said that if you come before he gets there, he'll take us all out for dango and, possibly, ramen."

   This time, Yuki's eyes immediately snapped open, asking her a silent question.

   Sakura laughed, covering her mouth with her hand, "Yes, it's true."

   "YATTA!" Yuki jumped up and Sakura feared, for a moment, that he would fall off the edge of the building. "Let's go then!"

   "Right," The pinkette nodded, following the now wide awake raven-blond. "I wonder where Sasuke-kun is..."

   "He's over there," Yuki pointed over to the trees next to the academy building. "He's been here for a while." He jumped over to a branch above the genin, making sure to make as little noise as possible, "Suke! Did you wait long?"

   The Uchiha got up, but not before flashing the other with the famous death glare from his clan. He had always hated that nickname. "Tch, whatever. Let's just go."

   Yuki sighed, "Fiine! Come on, Saku! We're going!"

   Sakura scrambled over, walking on Sasuke's left, "What do you think we're doing today?"

   Since Sasuke was, obviously, not going to answer, Yuki did, "He'll probably have us do some training. Considering how I have most of my seals off, he may want to spar with me again."

   "Why would he want to spar with you?" Sasuke asked.

   Now, Yuki remembered. Sasuke had learned of the seals but not his relationship with Kakashi before them. Kakashi was his only friend. At first, all Yuki wanted was to be left alone. However, with Kakashi, that wasn't the case. They had met when the Hatake was younger, five years before now. Yuki had, for some odd reason, unknowingly sparked the silver-haired ninja's interest. Maybe it was how no one seemed to know the raven-blond even when he walked down the street.

   At first, it was Kakashi knocking on his apartment door, greeting him kindly enough. He had stayed for dinner then, noticing how the other only used half smiles; as if he didn't quite feel what he expressed.

   When he asked the Hokage, the man answered with, "Yuki- kun has recently gotten back from an eight year mission. It's sad, knowing that no one remembers the young man. He used to be so lively. Now, it's like he's only a shell."

   Kakashi never commented on how Yuki would walk around the village silently with a desperate gleam in his eyes; as if the village would disappear at any second. He simply walked along, book in hand, not bothering his companion. After spending two weeks with the male, popping in his house unexpectedly to have dinner, he noticed that Yuki didn't really have anything in his apartment that showed someone lived inside; just a dining table with four chairs, a small couch with a coffee table, his bed with a wooden night table, and a desk. There weren't pictures or paintings. There was... nothing.

   It was then that Kakashi decided something. Yuki was going to move in with him. Yuki never really had a choice in the matter. He had come back from speaking with the Hokage only to find his place cleaned out and a note saying that he was staying with Kakashi for now on.

   After his first mission with Yuki, and finding out that they made the best partnership (to Kakashi anyway), they went through the village together. It was then that the Hatake realized that the other didn't interact with anyone. Kakashi was his only friend. So, he took him to the jounin lounge, practically dragging Yuki when he tried to refuse, and introduced him to everyone. Yuki had hit him over the head, telling him that it wasn't right to drag people everywhere, and causing Anko to laugh loudly.

    Yuki started opening up more, if not only to Kakashi. He would steal his books, his food, and sometimes even his money, but the Hatake found that... he didn't mind. Kakashi enjoyed the raven-blond's company and even Yuki found the same with Kakashi. They never left each other's side.

   "Here," Kakashi wordlessly handed over a wrapped orange Popsicle to his partner.

   The Hatake shouted in surprise when Yuki tackle-hugged him, crying, "KAKASHI, I LOVE YOU!"

   "I know."


Hope you guy enjoyed this chapter. I'll be updating more since today (for me) is FRIDAY!!! <3 WOOT!

   Tell me how I did. I love your comments. I updated earlier than I would have because your comments for me to update were so CUTE! I love you guys so much! :D

   Anyways, I will try not to forget to update for a long time (like I did).


   I go.

-- A.D

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