Chapter 6: My Stupid Old Sensei

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"Wait! Wait!" Kankuro held his hands in front of them as if to shield himself from Yuki's wrath. "I'm sorry, okay?"

Yuki tilted his head, stopping five feet from the boy and Temari, "For?"

Kankuro sighed, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment, "For not listening to your advice a long time ago and running after the guys who kidnapped Temari..."

The raven-blond stared at the children for a moment and the two shifted nervously on their feet. Suddenly, he surged forward and they flinched, only to feel the man wrap his arms around them, "You two are so stupid!" They could feel him sigh and his grip tighten, "But I'm glad you're okay."

The children hugged him back, mumbling apologies over and over.

"Sorry to break up this very touching moment, but did you forget about something?" Kakashi had his arms crossed and he looked at Yuki with annoyance.

Yuki looked genuinely confused, "I don't think I did..."

"US!" Gai was on Kakashi's right and he waved his arms. "Your teammates!"

"Ooh!" Yuki waved them off, "I knew you could handle it." He suddenly looked happily at the children, "Let's go demand a ransom from your father!"

The two Suna children sweat dropped and Temari shook her head, "O...kay...?"


"Rasa! Rasaaa! RASA!" Yuki kicked the doors to the Suna leader's office open and ran in followed by Temari, Kankuro, Kakashi, and Gai (along with some concerned Suna ninja).

"My lord, we did not mean to let this Konoha ninja pass!" A ninja said hurriedly. "He managed to sneak past us and take us all out!"

Rasa actually sweat dropped and turned to the raven-blond, "Was that necessary?"

Yuki looked at him seriously, "Yes, I was... teaching your kids some very important... techniques..."

"Because that's believable."

"Nevermind that," Yuki waved his hand and looked into the Kazekage's dark eyes. "Do you have the stuff?"

"Yes," The man nodded. "It's in the back."

Kakashi snorted as he watched the conversation, "What are you two - drug dealers?"

Yuki and Rasa looked at eachother for a moment and whispered something to each other. The raven-blond haired ninja's eyes flickered to Kakashi and he nodded.

Kakashi felt a sense of dread. They weren't going to attack him...we're they...? I'm too young to die!

"Why so tense... Kakashi?" Yuki was behind the silver haired male, face next to his as he held a kunai against his neck. "How... suspicious..."

"YOSH! You should stop scaring my hip and cool rival! It is very unyouthful, Kēki!"

Yuki sighed in disappointment and removed the kunai, "Mou~ You're no fun!"

Kakashi glared at the male who gave him a cheeky grin, making a heart with his hands only to be smacked upside the head.

"The treaty, Rasa," Yuki suddenly said, taking out a scroll from his hip pouch and summoning a personalized map of Konoha and Suna; complex lines and graphs littered the sides and it gave everyone a headache just by looking at it. What looked to be, hundreds of blue and red lines stretched from Konoha to Suna; some looping back. Thick black lines dotted the map, some making a small train to each other while others crisscrossed. Series of equations crowded any free spaces on the map. Over all, the paper was more ink than parchment.

"What about the treaty?" The Kazekage asked, a hand on his chin as he studied the map (trying to figure out exactly what the map was showing).

"There's a twenty percent chance it'll work at the moment," Yuki's blue eyes pierced Rasa's. "Max. These lines," He pointed to the red and blue marks. "Are tunnels that I found leading to our villages made by our ninja - blue being Konoha and red Suna. I've managed to block about half of them but should one of our people stumble upon the wrong one-"

"It'll cause an uproar..." Kakashi finished, having realized where this was going.

"Precisely," Yuki winced and clutched his head, waving off Gai's concerned look. "I'm alright. I'm alright. It was just a little headache." He cleared his throat, "The treaty cannot be completed until my team and I manage to destroy these tunnels."

"I see..." Rasa nodded. "Very well."

"As of escorts," The youngest of the three Konoha ninja allowed the map to roll up as he spoke.

"The Hokage," Kakashi continued as if adding on.

"Will send youthful ninja when the chunin exams come around!" Gai finished and the other two nodded, though Kakashi looked a little disturbed.

"Now that that's done!" Yuki clapped his hands once and walked to the back of Rasa's office, opening the door that led to the files and storage. "I will be in here for a moment grabbing my, much needed, supplies. I bid you adu."

Suna ninja blinked and looked at eachother, "Did a Konoha ninja just go into the room where the village secrets are-"

"-and Kazekage-sama didn't care?"


Kakashi and Gai leaned on the gates of Suna waiting for their last teammate. Soon, they saw him walking while eating a popsicle as he talked to Kankuro and Temari.

"Hey, Yuki..." Temari spoke, breaking the silence that had desended on them as they had started walking. "Why do you always eat popsicles?"

For a fraction of a second, Yuki's eyes filled with sadness and guilt before it was tucked away before the children saw it, "Because my stupid old sensei always loved sharing them with me."

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