Chapter 16: Healing and More Training

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This chapter is dedicated to rayisnotcray! Hope you enjoy this chapter! :D <3


"Get up."

Kakashi groaned when he felt a foot prod his side for the fifth time in a span of three minutes.

"If I have to say it one more time, I'll burn the Icha Icha that's in my hands right now."

Kakashi shot up, mouth open to scream at Yuki, when he realized three things. One, Yuki wasn't holding his book. Two, his partner was looking at him oddly. Three, he could move his legs without wincing. "You healed me?" He wiggled his toes before throwing his legs over the bed and kicking them out a couple of times.

"I had help, yeah," The raven-blonde stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Kyuubi offered to heal me?" To say Kakashi was shocked would be an understatement.

"He's fond of you," The Uzumaki shrugged before looking back at Kakashi. "And we both found it annoying watching you hobble around."

"Wow, thanks," And Kakashi wasn't being sarcastic. He knew that Yuki didn't like healing people because it caused him a lot of stress and strain trying to focus his chakra, yet he healed Kakashi.

"Anytime," Yuki gave the silver-haired jounin one of his rare smiles before turning suddenly away from him. "Anyways," He coughed into his hand and Kakashi had to tilt his head at him. Was his face red? "Breakfast is ready. I figured you'd want to eat before I take the kids back to the clearing. You gonna come with?"

"Yeah," Kakashi got up, stumbling a bit and falling into Yuki. "Sorry," He gasped out, now overly embarrassed. "Not used to walking correctly just yet."

"Don't sweat it," Yuki said, voice going soft. He had his arms loosely around the Hatake's waist to keep him steady.

Kakashi straightened, backing up sheepishly, "Thanks." He watched as Yuki stared at him, cerulean eyes lingering on him for a moment longer, before he grunted and made his way down the stairs, throwing a 'Now my food's getting cold, Loser' behind him.


Sasuke and Sakura looked up in confusion when Yuki dashed down the stairs, only a black blur, and shoveled his food down his throat before taking off with a 'Be at the clearing in ten minutes or die!'

"Is Yuki-san alright?" Sakura asked when Kakashi came down.

The jounin creased his eyebrows together in confusion, "Why do you ask?"

"He was moving pretty fast and his face was bright red. Do you think he had a fever?"

"I don't know," Kakashi said while Sasuke shook his head at both of them.


"Ten minutes and two seconds," Yuki deadpanned as the three walked into the clearing. He tilted his head towards the tree, staring pointedly at Sasuke, "Start. I want you to be able to do it subconsciously. Sakura," He turned to the pinkette, who looked nervous all over again. "Stop looking like I'm about to attack you," He tilted his head. "Well, I might, so nevermind. Come with me so I can show what to do for warm ups."

Kakashi watched as Yuki took charge, his seemingly unteachable students soaking up his every word. The man looked fine, he didn't appear to be sick, and the jounin figured Sakura must be seeing things.

"...tke... Hatake... God, dammit, KAKASHI!"

The jounin's eye snapped up in surprise to see Yuki tapping his foot in annoyance, glaring at him, "Sorry, what did you say?"

"Well, when you're done starring into space," I was staring at you. "I was going to ask if you wanted to spar but I guess not."

"No, no, I'll spar," Kakashi said quickly, moving away from where his students were. Sasuke was slaving at the trees while Yuki had Sakura work on some basic stretches to improve her flexibility.

"Alright," Yuki nodded, gliding back to put space between them. He put one foot in front, the other behind him, and raised his hands in fist like he was going to box.

Kakashi wasn't stupid. While the raven-blonde's style may seem loose and full of openings, the Hatake had sparred with him more than enough to know that it was not the case.

"Sakura-chan," Yuki looked over at the girl, who paused in the motion of reaching for her toes to look at him. "Would you be so kind as to start us?"

"Sure," She chirped, straightening. "And..." She raised her arm, looking at the two ninja, before throwing it down, "Begin!"

Immediately, the two were gone, dashing towards each other in a blur of black and silver. They clashed, kunai sparking against one another.

Kakashi felt excitement run through his veins as he fought off Yuki, the two seeming to dance around each other. It was a deadly dance, kunai flying and attacks dished out at rapid pace. Yuki always pushed him to his limits, make him sweat and worker harder.

Yuki's face was emotionless but his eyes were a different story. They shone brightly with happiness and thrill. There was something else hidden there but no one could place it. He noticed Kakashi tiring, the Jounin still not fully healed, and decided to put a stop to the match.

Moving swiftly, Yuki appeared in front of Kakashi, tripping him backwards and pinning him on the grass under him with a kunai at his throat. His eyes gazed in Kakashi's gray one, amusement dancing inside. He grinned at the jounin, "You're getting rusty, Hatake."

"You're obviously not," Kakashi said, though he wasn't all that mad. He always lost against Yuki anyway and he still would even if he wasn't exhausted. He suddenly froze when he noticed their close proximity and tried to control his breathing, "Um..."

"Oh," Yuki looked down at their bodies before rolling off, getting up and walking over to Sakura and Sasuke, who stopped to watch their battle. "Get back to training, you brats. Show's over."

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