Chapter 40: Fairy Herpes

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Wow, chapter 40! That's a lot! Thank you for the continuous support!

Good news: I don't see an end for this story coming soon just yet.

Also, this is dedicated to Pikachu_Fangirl and you'll know why. I hope you like this!! 😁

Bad news: I lose inspiration from time-to-time (which is why I don't update a while). Maybe message what you want or a suggestion and I'll try to put it in? Question mark?

Alright, enough of this chitchat. On with the chapter!

-- Yuki ☕️


"Tada," Yuki rolled his eyes, reaching for some food and ignoring the children seated in front of him. "That's how Kakashi and I met."

"You can't swim?" Sakura looked at the raven-blonde with big eyes, disbelief shining in them. To them, it was almost like Yuki could do anything.

"Don't be ridiculous," The Jounin stabbed his meal with one of his chopsticks. "I can swim."

"But he couldn't before," Kakashi smirked under his mask. He knew Yuki could tell due to the painful grip he suddenly had on his hand, "But he can swim really well now!" The hand loosened and he could feel Yuki's thumb lightly brush the back of his hand as an apology.

"Oh, okay," Ino nodded. "That's good."

Sasuke just stared at the Jounin, tilting his head at them with a knowing look, "Hmm..."

"You know what?" Yuki stabbed another piece of food, pointing it at the Uchiha, "Shut up. Kashi, I need to get more stuff to add to my knitting thingy."

"Alright," The Hatake was already done with his food, having ate it quickly so no one could see his face. "What kind of stuff?"


"Glitter? You're joking."

"You think I am but I'm not."

Sasuke and Sakura watched them leave for a moment before focusing on the rest of the genin. They were taking bets when Yuki and Kakashi would get together or if they already were together. Sasuke added his money to the latter. Shikamaru did the same with a labored sigh.


"Kami, Yuki, how much glitter do you need?"

Yuki held fifteen tiny bottles, all different colors, and grinned maniacally, "All of them! Quick, Kakashi, grab more!"

The Jounin blinked for a second before grabbing as many as he could, "We're paying for this later, right?"



"You know, glitter is fairy herpes?" Yuki dumped the glitter in a basket, adding Kakashi's, and quickly shunshined them out of there before the store clerk could even process what just happened.

"Why- You need to stop taking to the academy students," The Hatake shook his head. "We have to go back and pay later you know," Kakashi said, putting the glitter on the coffee table.

"Do we have to?" Yuki whined but he was already getting his yen out, flipping through the bills. "How much do you think this is?"

"5000¥ at least." (50 dollars- U.S.)


"You're the one that wanted to get so much damn glitter."

"It's essential."

"Essential to what?"


Kakashi rolled his eye, "Right. Hand me the money and I'll go pay for this shit." He walked to the door before coming back, pulling down his mask to kiss the Jounin's cheek, "There better not be glitter all over the place by the time I get back!"

Yuki blinked before shaking his head, "No promises!" He dived over the couch, snagging one of the glitter containers and holding it up, "But seriously... What am I actually doing with this glitter?" He tilted his head and a large grin made its way onto his face, "Oh, I know!"


"Bum, bum, Kakashi!" The raven-blonde looked around the apartment the next day for the Jounin, "Kashi, I got something for you~!"

"What?" The Hatake walked out of a room still half asleep, dressed in a tank top and boxers, "It's not even seven yet."

"Team meeting today," Yuki shrugged. "Also, I made something for you."

"Huh?" The silver-haired man looked more awake, "You did? What is it?" He watched as his boyfriend looked around him, scratching his head, "Did you lose it?"

"No," Yuki poured before lighting up, dashing over into the kitchen. "Ah ha! I knew I left it in here!"

He came back with some black fabric that shimmered with specks of yellow when it caught the light at an angle. There were bits of orange yarn here and there an Kakashi realized this was what he had been knitting the entire time, "You made this for me?"

"Mmhm!" Yuki looked proud of himself. Suddenly, he looked shy, glancing at the ground, "Do you... Like it? It's okay if you don't."

The Hatake quickly snatched it before his boyfriend could take it away, "I want it, I want it. But that reminds me, I made you something, too."

"Really?" Yuki clapped his hands in excitement, "Where is it?"

"In the room. Let me go get it," Kakashi went into their bedroom -they had started sharing the day they got together- and quickly went to the night table on the left of the bed. It wasn't the best hiding spot for anything but Yuki had called dibs on the desk, which made the night table automatically the Hatake's.

When the silver-haired Jounin went back to the living room, Yuki was sprawled on the couch with a popsicle, reading a book that sat on his thigh. It didn't take long for Yuki to get bored but the man never forgot what he was waiting for in the first place, "Here."

The raven-blonde looked up and grabbed the item in his hand. He studied it before grinning. It was a silver beanie the Hatake had knit. When they were young, just Chunin, Yuki had somehow gotten into the habit of wearing beanies whenever he could. It made him happy to know his boyfriend never forgot, "I love it." He put it on right there, finding it comfortable enough where it didn't cling to his hair and the back drooped down towards his neck.

"Hey, I made a scarf for Sasuke," Kakashi shrugged. "Kid lives alone and it's getting close to winter. He needs to stay warm."

Yuki stared at him for a moment, "I would say that's weird but I made Shika and Neji one, too. I didn't have enough yarn for the rest of the kids."

"Eh, we can get them something for Christmas."

"Oh, yeah, 🎄 exists," Yuki nodded, closing his book and eating the rest of his popsicle.

"How- What- Tree?"

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