Chapter 42: I'm a Monster but He Loves Me Anyway

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Dedicated to animaljam12340

This turned into something.


They didn't plan on getting caught.

Technically, it wasn't their fault though since the kids decided to break in.

So, they were totally the innocent ones here.

Which didn't explain why they were still yelling at them.

"Shh, shut up!" Yuki snapped, his body a bit so his back was to the couch like it normally would, "What the hell, guys? Breaking and entering much?"

None of the genin even had the decency to look sheepish as they gaped at the two men in front of them.

Kakashi grumbled something and hid his face in Yuki's shoulder, arms still around his boyfriend's waist. He looked up at the raven-blonde and, as if he could feel his eyes on him, the other Jounin looked down at him, blue eyes sparkling with amusement.

"What- What-"

It started out with tiny giggles. Soon, the tiny giggles turned to chuckles until Yuki on the floor in his amusement.

"You know, you brought this on yourselves," Kakashi said, a grin on his face, while Yuki howled with laughter, rolling on the ground.

"My eyes!" Kiba screeched, rubbing his eyes. "You both are evil!"

"'Cuse you!" Yuki popped up, scrambling back on the couch and in Kakashi's arms, "We're the innocent ones here! It's not my fault you caught us making out!"

"About that!" Ino stormed up to him, looking furious, "Since when have you guys been dating?"

"Since..." Kakashi tilted his head in thought.

"Two weeks and three days," Yuki blinked at their incredulous looks. "I think."

"You think," Shikamaru looked unimpressed. "Right."

"Who asked out who?" Sakura demanded.

The Kaka-Yuki Duo looked at each other, "We didn't actually talk about it."

"What?" The pinkette looked confused.

Somehow, Sasuke was the one that got it, "Who kissed who first?"

At that, Kakashi raised his hand, looking proud, "I did!"

"Dammit," Choji grumbled, handing Yen to Hinata.

"What?" Yuki looked at them all, jaw dropped, "You took bets on us?"

"Well, yeah." Fuck, even Tenten was there. "But I kind of thought you'd make the first move -no offense, Kakashi."

"None taken."

"Wait," The raven-blonde turned to Hinata. "You were against me?"

The girl nodded, "You just... You're the type of person t-that never goes after w-what you want. Kakashi does."

"That's- That's not- Dammit."

"Why are you so upset?" Neji asked and it was then that the Jounin noticed him holding a wad of money. No, Neji too?! "It is only a harmless bet."

"No- I mean, I know that but I had plans."

"You're not making any sense," Kiba said, tilting his head in a way that reminded him of a dog.

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