4. Awkward Moments (COMPLETED YAY)

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Ashton hadn't left his room all morning, and you were beginning to get worried. He was always up before you as he enjoyed his sibling-free mornings, whether it was going out for a run, or just watching TV, it was the first time you had ever come down the stairs in the morning and had not been greeted by your brothers smiling face. Naturally, this worried you, but since Ashton had been out late working last night you didn't think too much of it, and let him get his much needed rest.  You got your  usual bowl of cereal, and settled in front of the TV to relax, figuring it was your turn to have a quiet morning.

After a few episodes of Pretty Little Liars you were really starting to wonder what was going on with him, you hadn't heard a sound from his room, and it was getting close to lunchtime. He had come home after you had gone to bed last night, so you weren't sure exactly how long he'e been asleep, but you wanted to make sure he was okay. Even though you were worried for his safety, you figured having an extra excuse as to wake him up would be useful in case he was angry at your intrusion. After a quick internet search, you decided that if Ashton asked you were trying to make sure he didn't interrupt his sleep schedule and was simply looking out for his health, knowing that he could never be upset at your concern.

Taking a deep breath, you walked up the stairs pausing at his door, second guessing if it was a good idea to try to wake Ashton up, but knocking anyway.  After a few seconds of silence you tried again, but there was no sign of him.  You frowned and put your ear on the door, barely able to make out his soft snores, you calmed considerably and gained the confidence to open the door.  Twisting the knob you tiptoed in, looking at him, but felt stupid for trying to be quiet when you were supposed to be waking him up. Mentally face palming, you jumped up and down right at the foot of his bed, trying to make up for your quiet entrance, but even the squeaky floorboards didn't cause him to stir. Sighing, you stomped over to him and started to poke his face, which only resulted in him pulling his blanket all the way up from his shoulder to covering his entire head, giving you an idea. You grabbed the edge of the blanket, and tore it off Ashton, causing it to fly over your head and entangle you, but not before you saw that he was sleeping nude. You screamed, desperately trying to detangle yourself, you also succeeded in waking him up.

    Deciding that making a run for it was the best option, you picked a direction and ended up running straight into his dresser, hitting your head on the corner causing you to fall back in pain, clutching the injured part of your forehead, feeling the hot sticky blood pour between your fingers. You started sobbing on the floor, when you heard Ashton's panicked footsteps make their way next to you. You felt him pull the sheet off gently, but your eyes were squeezed shut from the pain.

     "Y/N, let me see," he cooed trying to pry your fingers off the wound.

     Coming to your senses you moved your now shaking hand off of your forehead, still keeping your eyes closed in fear of what you would see, "Ashton, are you wearing any clothes?" You asked timidly.

     "Is that really what your concerned about?" he sighed.

     "Yes," You quickly answered.

     "Yes, I am wearing pants, you can open your eyes," he chuckled, you opened your eyes and saw him looking at your forehead wide-eyed.

     "How bad is it?" You bit your lip.

     "You're gonna need stitches," he bit his lip, as you winced, "Wait here," he commanded as you rolled your eyes. There was a huge gash in your head, where were you going to go? Ashton disappeared into his bathroom and came back with a damp washcloth, pressing it on your forehead.

     "Is that clean?" You wrinkled your nose in distaste.

     "Yes, its just to apply pressure while we drive to the ER," He explained pulling a shirt over his head.  He ran over to help you up, and then carried you down the stairs. 

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