81. Hunting The Paranormal - Luke

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Part 3/4

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A SHOW OF HANDS: who had ever thought, "I really want to dare Caitlin to write something really strange, but I don't know how 😕"

WELL DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU! YOUR DREAMS CAN COME TRUE! Just head on over to SaucySquad and check out the new book BET that I'm co-authoring with some other amazing girls 😁! You can pretty much bet us to write any crazy thing you want, and we'll do it!

"Y/N, it moved, I swear it did," Luke groaned, rubbing his forehead, "why would I lie about this?"

"I don't think you're lying," you touched his shoulder and looked up at him sincerely, "I just think you had some bad mushrooms."

He crinkled his nose and shoved your hand away, "don't patronize me, I know what I saw."

"I highly doubt that," you rolled your eyes, "the garden gnome didn't move Luke. It's an inanimate logic, by definition it doesn't move."

"That's what they want you to think," he snapped, "open your eyes Y/N!"

You raised your eyebrows and made a big deal of blinking, "my eyes are wiiiiide open Luke. Are yours?"

"Yes, clearly. I'm the one that has noticed the fact that the gnome has migrated a total of seven and a half inches to the left!" He said matter-of-factly, looking at you like you were the crazy one for not thinking that the garden gnome had moved.

"Maybe it was the wind? Or an animal? Or a person moving it?! Why don't you rule out the most reasonable explanations before we start jumping to the rise of the garden gnome?" You snorted, listing off all of your ideas on your fingers and then waving them right in Luke's face.

Your brother recoiled back and frowned, "I'm not crazy Y/N-"

"Debatable," you muttered, not really meaning for him to hear you.

"-hmph," had narrowed his eyes, "I thought of this, we have a big fence to keep people and most animals out, plus an animal would be more likely to just knock it over. As for the wind, I've been keeping a measurement on it ever since it's started to move, and there seems to be no correlation between the speed of the wind and the movement of Gnoah," he actually pulled out his phone and showed you his notes and scatter plot. You didn't know what to be more horrified by. The fact that he went out and measured the location of the gnome daily, that he named it, or that he sincerely thought that it was alive.

"Gnoah?" You looked up from the little screen at your brother, now more concerned than anything.

"Yes, I named him, don't judge me," he sniffed, putting the cell phone back in his pocket.

"How did you even notice that it moved in the first place?" You hummed, it wasn't a normal thing to go out and closely observe garden gnome location down to the inch anyway.

"Wait until you hear this," he smirked cockily as he remembered the story, "I drove home one night and Gnoah was gone. So I went to investigate but I didn't see anything, and in the morning he was back."

"Wow, the mysterious vanishing gnome," you said sarcastically, "Luke were you drunk when this incident occurred?"

"Huh?" He looked a little taken aback by the question, "why does it matter?"

"You know why you gnome loving dork," you snorted.

"Fine, I see how it is, I'll show you. You'll see! You'll all see!" Luke turned on his heel and marched out of the house.

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