69. You Have A Boyfriend In Another Band - Luke

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Part 3/11

Requested by:

• Derek Discanio - Luke✔️
• Zayn - Luke

It was your favorite night of the week, date night. Date night meant getting out of the house and going out on the town with your favorite (and for the record only) boyfriend. It had been your turn to plan what you would do on that Saturday night so you got a table at your favorite classy restaurant. Usually such a place was reserved for special occasions but you did it anyway, wanting to treat not only yourself, but Derek as well.

So you texted him the details without giving away the location.

Hey babe, be over by 5:30 and dress nice! Love you 😘

He texted you back a few minutes later.

Whatever you want babe. I love you more!

You chuckled a little. He could be so cheesy at times but that was what you loved about him.

You laid back on your bed and sighed contentedly. This was the life, a cute boyfriend, a planned date night, and a comfortable bed. What more could a girl want?

You were still in such a good mood that when Calum called you, you didn't even think about how weird it was. Calum didn't call you out of the blue. Well at least not normally, the two of you were great friends but he was a busy bee. You usually had to schedule calls.

"Hello my tight and bright friend," you giggled as you accepted the call. You always teased him with that greeting since you knew how much he hated those neon green and yellow colors.


On the other line was not only Calum, but also Derek. They were planning something, but they needed information.

"Just let that die already," he sighed. Your boyfriend had to set his phone down for a few minutes and take a deep breath so that he wouldn't laugh and blow it all before it even started.

"Never!" You feigned offense, "that's my favorite Cal-Pal quote!"

"Hmph," he rolled his eyes at you, not that you could tell. "I just wanted to have a talk with my best friend and this is how you treat me? You should be ashamed," he tutted.

"Best friend eh? I'm moving up in the world," you conveniently ignored the other half of what he said.

"Yes best friend," he reaffirmed, "so what are you up to?"

"Just plannin out date night for me and the SO," you yawned and smacked your lips.

"Oh?" Calum had to act surprised but did so horribly. Derek almost face-palmed at how canned he sounded. "What did you plan?" He continued, slightly more believably.

"Oh ya know, Y/F/Fancy/Restaurant/N," you grinned.

"What's the occasion?" Calum didn't have to pretend to be shocked this time because he actually was.

"Just wanted to treat myself," you shrugged and then added, "and Derek too."

"You're not planning anything?" Calum asked slyly.

"Nooo?" You narrowed your eyes. You began to grow suspicious, "Calum what is this all about? You never call me unannounced."

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