36. Photos/Videos (CALM)

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So here are some chapter topics that I'm currently considering:
• Disney
• Competition/sibling rivalry (maybe I'll finally take some stuff out of random
imagines lol)
• You don't get along with the other boys
• Another 1D collab/he takes you on tour
• Makeup
• You're older than him
• Sticky Situations
• He's dating one of the other boys (I know that one is kinda cliche but still)


Okay so believe it or nah but I usually have some kind of idea about what I'm going to write BEFORE I write it but rn I want to post a chapter and have no ideas so this is pure and potent thought straight from my mind  (sorry)

"Calum, I want a commercial," you said absentmindedly while channel surfing.

Your brother looked at you strangely before replying, "advertising what?"

"Me, I think I'm pretty great and we should tell people, it's a PSA really," you replied nonchalantly.

"That's a little egotistical isn't it?" He raised an eyebrow looking rather unimpressed.

"Pshhhh no. I just want everyone to know how inspirational I can be and how much they need me in their daily lives, with a commercial we can reach the masses," your excited eyes clashed with Calum's bored ones, but he just sighed and nodded.

"I'll call the boys, maybe they'll talk some sense into you."

"So let me get this straight," Luke strutted into the apartment flanked by a bored Michael, "you want a commercial advertising you?"

"That's the idea," you nodded making the skeptical blondes face light up.

"I LOVE IT!" He squealed clapping his hands.

"Wait what?" Calum looked up from the couch obviously not expecting that reaction.

"Yes! It seems like great fun! don't you think Michael?" He nudged the boy standing next to him.

"It sounds great," Michael said a little too enthusiastic earning him an elbow to the ribs from Luke.

"Anyways," he shot Michael a glare, "Ashton's going to meet us on the set of the studio with a camera!" He smiled waving you out the door, dragging Calum and Michael along for the ride.

"Studio?" You asked flipping through the radio stations as Luke started the car.

"Yup! We rented out this cute little area with a green screen so it's really gonna be great," Luke chirped pulling out into the road.

"I didn't know you were so organized," you complimented him earning a snort from your brother.

"Yea, about that, Luke isn't this put together. You should be scared," Calum piped up but was silenced by a look from Michael. Your brother looked over angrily but they whispered for a few moments before Calum nodded in agreement.

"Is everything okay back there?" You turned around to look.

"Peachy! We were just talking about how excited we are!" Michael smiled, Calum following suit.

"Oh, okay then," you looked back out front just in time to see Luke park the car.

"We're here!" He jumped out and was at your door before you even got a chance to take off your seatbelt. Ripping open your door, he practically dislocated your shoulder pulling you into the building. "ASHTOOOOON WE'RE BACK AND WE BROUGHT Y/N!" Luke yelled pushing you towards a large green area where Ashton was messing around with a camera.

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