8. He Comes Home From Tour (CALM)

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You were aimlessly watching TV, sitting on the couch, not really paying attention to anything. The last few months of your life had been some of the most boring. Ever since you had come to know Calum, you had all sorts of fun and interesting adventures, but since he had left, everything had returned back to normal. Sighing, you flipped onto your stomach, and groaned into the couch. Looking up, you checked the time, and realized it had only been minutes since your older sister had left to go get your brother, and you were too sick to come along. Despite all of your begging and pleading, Mali-Koa didn't budge, and you had been ordered not to step off of the couch. You honestly weren't that sick, and wanted to go see Calum.

"UGHHHHHHH!" You groaned, burying yourself even farther into the blanket, when the front door opened, you looked up confused.

"Hello?" You called out.

"Are you okay? We could hear you groaning from the driveway," Calum laughed, causing you to jump up and race towards the front door.

"Calummmmmmmm!" You screamed, launching yourself at him.

"Shouldn't you be laying down?" Calum asked, worried.

"No, I'm fine, Mali was over-reacting," you rolled your eyes.

"Are you sure? You look a little green," Calum, pointed out.

"Yes, I'm-" You started, before being promptly cut off by the feeling of vomit shooting up your throat. You bent over just in time, promptly covering Calums shoes in the remains of your lunch.

"Welcome home," you croaked, standing upright.

"I think you need to go lie down Y/N, Calum chuckled," taking off the soggy shoes.

"I'll be in there if you need me," you hobbled back into the living room, and decided that the couch didn't look so bad after all.

You were anxiously standing in the airport, waiting for Luke's flight to land. Insisting on getting there early, you had been waiting for what felt like forever, so long that the rest of your family had left to go grab lunch. Looking down to check the arrival time again, you heard the masses of teenage fans begin to scream, causing you to straighten immediately. Looking up, you could see the very top of a familiar blonde quip headed towards you.

Putting your phone back into your pocket, you ran towards your brother, and nearly knocked him over in your bone-crushing hug.

"Nice to see you too y/n," Luke chuckled, returning the hug.

"Don't sass me," you said, trying to be serious, but failing miserably.

"I'll sass whoever I want to," Luke said, playfully snapping his fingers in a 'z' formation.

"How are you?" You asked, as you and Luke began heading towards the exit.

"I'm good, pretty tired though, how have things been here?" Luke replied, and you could tell he was serious by the dark circles under his eyes.

"Good here too, we've all missed you," you answered, sending him a shy smile.

"Nice to hear that," Luke chuckled, before looking up, "where is everyone else?" He asked confused.

"Whoops, don't want to leave them, they went to get lunch at the cafeteria while I waited," you explained, turning back around towards the airport cafeteria.

"Good, I'm starrrvingggggg," Luke complained, walking past you towards the ever-increasing smell of food.

"Waaaaaaaait! Don't leave me here!" You called after him, rushing to catch up.

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