89. Fears/Nightmares - Luke

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Part 3/4

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Thanks for 13k votes guys! That's such a nice way to finish out this book 💙

And I made the Instagram (@calums_nasa_tshirt)
Idk what I'm going to put on it bc I'm more of a writer than anything else but WE'LL SEE lmao it has one picture on it rn WHOOPS

Second to last part! Omg it's the eve of the end of the boook HAPPY BOOK COMPLETION EVE!

Yeah so you dream Luke dies in this one and I got a little carried away so it's kinda gross yeah

"Y/N, it's midnight," Luke said sternly as he walked between you and the television to block your view and force you to acknowledge him.

Sighing at the fact that your previous strategy, pretending that Luke wasn't yelling at you to go to bed from the other room, wouldn't work.

"Excellent observation," you grunted, trying to crane your neck to the left so that you could see over his shoulder.

He scooted a half-step over and foiled your plan, "you have school tomorrow."

You furrowed your eyebrows, "I would say that that's another statement of the obvious but since it's past midnight, I actually have school today, tomorrow is Saturday."

"All the more reason to go to bed now," Luke replied, sounding rather tired himself. You took note of the dark bags on his face and shrugged.

"It looks like you need it more than me," you pointed to his face, "I'm fine really."

He chuckled, "you say that now, but tomorrow morning will be hellish for the both of us when you won't get up."

"I'm a delight in the morning," you grumbled, "an absolute angel."

Luke laughed earnestly at that, rolling his eyes, "you are worse than Michael in the mornings. So get up and go to bed now."

"What if I don't want to?" You jutted your chin out defiantly and crossed your arms.

Luke raised his eyebrows and looked down at you in amusement, "Then I'd turn off the TV and move the remotes to the other side of the room. You're too lazy to go get them."

"Crap he's right," you muttered under your breath.

"Well?" Luke tapped his foot impatiently.

"I'm going geez oh Pete's someone's inpatient today," you peeled yourself up off the couch and then stretched out.

Luke turned the TV off while you began the long trek to your room. There was nothing worse than having to walk allllll of the way upstairs when you were tired. Even if you were in denial about your tiredness.

You managed to make it up to your bedroom door just as Luke made it to his own, across from yours.

"Goodnight Y/N," he smiled at you while opening his door.

"Goodnight Luke," you nodded.

"I love you, sleep well," he said as he slipped inside.

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