62. He Protects You And Your Best Friend - Calum

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Part 1/4

Requested by:

Okay so for chapters 63 on I got a lot of requests if anybody has a favorite order I can do them in that order (I'm doing them all don't worry):
• You get Kidnapped*
• You Surprise Him On Tour
• You Have A Boyfriend In Another Band
• You Walk Out On Stage In The Middle Of A Concert*
• You Get Suspended/Expelled
• You Get A Detention*
• You're In An Abusive Relationship
• They Drop You Off At College/You Move Out
• They Find Out You Do Drugs

*In some or all you're young


Sometimes you forgot your best friend wasn't your sister. You had known each other ever since you began to stay with Calum which was when you were only a few months old. Really you couldn't remember a time when she wasn't a part of your life. You were attached at the hip, and did everything together. You had matching outfits, the same teacher, and liked pretty much all the same things. It could get a little creepy at times when you finished each other's sentences and knew each other so well it seemed like you were telepathically communicating. 

In fact you were at each other's houses so much you had begun to call each other's parents 'Mum' and 'Dad'. You both called Calum 'Cal', and he treated you both like little sisters. It was perfect.

Unfortunately, since Calum was popular, a lot of attention was reflected onto you, and in turn your best friend. It could be difficult for him to take the two of you out places when it came to the amount of people constantly crowding the three of you. It made him worry for your safety. For good reason too, the paparazzi could get very aggressive and the fans didn't always pay attention to the little people they were trampling. So he didn't go out as much, which in some ways was worse as now when he did go out more people crowded him.

You also didn't like that you didn't get to go out with Calum as much, and neither did Y/BFF/N. Needless to say you made your opinions heard.

"Cal?" You asked, running into his music room with Y/BFF/N on your heels.

"Yes?" He looked up from his bass at the two of you.

"We were just wondering..." you started the sentence.

"...if we could go see a movie today?" She finished for you.

He looked mildly freaked out by the whole one-sentence two-people thing, it probably didn't help that the two of you were identically dressed and had the same haircut at the time. "I don't... not today," he spoke over himself. It was a weekend which meant that the fans would be out in full force, not a situation he would want the two of you to get stuck in the middle of.

"Awwwe," you pouted.

"Please Cal?" She gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Why don't we watch a movie here?" He smiled, trying to compromise.

You and Y/BFF/N glanced at each other and then shook your heads at the same time.

"We can't," you explained.

"Y/F/Movie is only in the theater right now," she continued.

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