67. You're On Drugs - Ashton

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Part 2/4

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Mentions of:
• Alcoholism
• Date rape drugs
• Attempted sexual assault

Again, I would put you about 17 in here.

So you probably partied to much. Okay, you definitely partied too much. One thing you've learned from that is that it's really not a good idea to leave a bunch of unsupervised teenagers together for a long period of time. You've seen a lot of injuries, unplanned pregnancies, and regrets.

One pretty amazing thing about parties though is the booze. You lived for the red solo cups, bottles, cans, shot glasses, anything you could get your hands on. You were pretty good at acquiring alcohol for someone who was underage. Just go to college parties where there were people who could. Nobody questioned you because unlike Ashton, when you were a teenager you looked twenty. It was pretty funny to look at how grown up Luke looked as a twenty year old versus how young your brother looked.

Speaking of Ashton, you figured that he knew you went out and maybe got crazier than you should. But he never really said anything, just rolled his eyes at your hangover sunglasses and earplugs.

You heard that one of the craziest frats was throwing a huge party, and you knew that you just had to be there. So you and Y/BFF/N got all dressed up.

"What do you think?" You asked her, holding up a rather revealing black dress. Y/BF/N turned away from the vanity where she was layering on the mascara to take a look.

"So hot," she grinned, "you going for a frat boy tonight?" She wiggled her eyebrows and you scoffed.

"As if, I make poor choices, but nothing that poor," you rolled your eyes.

"You say that now, but you're known for making bad decisions when you're drunk," she teased you playfully. You had the urge to elbow her, but then her mascara would smudge on her cheek and you didn't feel like waiting for her to completely redo her face.

"Whatever, like you're one to talk," you huffed, walking over to look at your own face in the mirror. You just had to change and you'd be ready for an awesome night out.


Y/BFF/Brother/N's car turned down the street of the frat house and you could already feel the bass vibrating the ground. This was going to be great.

"Damn," he raised an eyebrow at the kids already passed out on the lawn, "are you two sure yo-"

He didn't get to finish, "yes," she shoved his shoulder.

"Duh," you snorted.

You could handle any party, and you took pride in that.

He made a face, but unlocked the car so that the two of you could get out. You and Y/BF/N locked arms, carefully stepping over one drunk guy on your way up the driveway.

"Are we sure? Do I look like a quitter?" She complained, flashing a grin at a boy who held the door open for the two of you.

"Ah, he'll learn," you dismissed her, already looking around for the kitchen. Where the kitchen was, the alcohol would be also, and it was not the kind of party you would want to be at sober. That would just ruin the fun.

So you danced through the crowd, hoping that you would find yourself some beer in the process.

Maybe ten minutes, and a lot of grinding later, you stumbled out of the edge of the crowd of people and into a less densely populated space. It was the kitchen! You turned around to high-five Y/BFF/N, but she was already gone. Oh well, you'd find her later.

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