85. You're A Competitive Robotics Nerd - Calum

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Part 1/4

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I know you're probably like, that's kind of a specific topic Caitlin, what does it mean? Okay so there's a show on TV called BattleBots where like teams of nerds build robots that basically try to beat the crap out of each other.

Also ik ik I should've written this yesterday, I didn't have time 😞 I'm going to try and get the Michael stalker pt2 out sometime in the next 24 hours

THIS IS THE FIFTH TO LAST CHAPTER! Time to start the countdown: 5️⃣

"Wait wait wait, you lost me at 'robot'," your brother held out his hands and shook his head.

You sighed, "Calum which time? We've been talking about robots for like ten minutes?!" You really hoped that he wasn't about to say what you thought he was.

"The FIRST time," he groaned and rubbed his face. The two of you were getting ready to go to the workshop where your team was putting the finishing touches on your robot before the preliminary rounds. You had been explaining to Calum the basics on how it worked and what your strategy was. He had been trying to tie his shoes, but with only one hand. You had been hoping that he had been at least half paying attention, but apparently not.

"Calum the first word I said when I started talking was 'robot'," you crossed your arms. What a waste of ten minutes.

"Exactly, how am I supposed to listen to you and tie my shoes at the same time?" He chuckled, "I just figured you were talking to yourself."

"No. I was talking to you, or at least I thought I was," you raised an eyebrow and then shook any remaining snarkiness off.

"Whoops," Calum stuck out his tongue and you watched as he stopped listening to you and went back to trying to tie his shoe again.

"Would you quit it?" You leaned forward a little and then rocked back in restlessness, "If you want to go we should just go already."

Calum whined, "fiiiine," he pouted and brought his other hand over. He made irritatingly quick work of his shoelaces as soon as he used both hands to tie them.

"Why did I have to wait ten minutes for you to do a three second job again?" You hummed while he pulled his car keys from his pocket.

"It was an experiment Y/N, I thought you loved those," he said sassily while you yanked the front door open.

You did love a good experiment, but what you just endured was far from one, "that was an experiment huh? Well what was your hypothesis then?"

Calum paused for a moment and jerked his head back. He started at you with a mixture of confusion and disgust, "my what now?"

"Your hypothesis, all experiments have one," you crossed your arms and stuck out your hip.

"Oh right," Calum straightened himself out and cleared his throat, "my hypothesis was uh... quick question, what's a hypothesis? It's like a Pegasus right?"

As soon as he said that you laughed heartily, so much so that tears began to leak from the corners of your eyes. "No, no they're not," you leaned forward and put your hands on your knees to give yourself support while you finished out your laughing fit.

"Hmph, no need to laugh at me, I was just trying to answer your dumb question," Calum spun on his heel and lifted his head high. You let out any remaining giggles while watching him strut over to the car and then gracefully open the driver's side.

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